
  • 网络Delivery Type;delivery method
  1. 客户端将能够选择的照片,大小,交割方式。

    The client will be able to selected photos , sizes , and delivery method .

  2. 郑州商品交易所小麦期货交割方式创新研究

    The Innovation Study of the Wheat Futures Delivery Manner of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

  3. 三是实行船板交割方式,最大限度地降低交割成本。

    Thirdly , carry out shipping delivery to mostly play down the cost .

  4. 实物交割方式可以采取期货转现货和滚动交割两种方式。

    Ways to take physical delivery and rolling stock futures turn delivery of two ways .

  5. 小麦期货交割方式选择是期货交割管理中最重要的内容之一。

    Which manner to choose is the most important content of wheat futures delivery management .

  6. 小麦期货交割方式设计的科学性、合理性如何,直接关系到整个小麦期货交易是否能够健康、平稳地运行,关系到小麦期货市场功能发挥的有效性。

    How reasonable the manner device of delivery is directly affects the wheat futures markets ' function and efficiency .

  7. 第二部分介绍了现行小麦交割方式的管理与运作,明确了进行交割方式创新的方向选择;

    Part two introduces the management and operation of wheat futures delivery , nailing down the choice of innovation ;

  8. 期货交易品种性质不同、现货市场流通特点、交通运输及通讯业发达程度、城市化进程等决定了一个期货品种交割方式的选择。

    The different character of futures trading varieties , the feature of actual markets circulation , the development of transportation and communication , the process of urbanization , and the like , are decisive factors to the choice of wheat futures delivery manner .

  9. 随着进口大豆基差定价方式的普及,以及豆粕期货以厂代库的交割方式的实施,期货市场的价格发现功能与风险规避功能对于油脂企业的重要性日益突出。

    With the popularization of basis pricing in soybeans import trade , and the implementation of replacing delivery warehouses with crushing factories in soymeal delivery , it becomes more and more important for crushers to use price-discovering and hedging function of futures market to offset risks .

  10. 第五部分对三种交割创新方式的发展前景进行了展望。

    Part five concludes with the expectation of the three innovative manners .

  11. 金属期货是商品期货的一种,一般采用现金交割的方式。

    Metal futures are commodity futures as a general way of a cash settlement .

  12. 第三,在设计国债期货的交易规则时,应该按照期限分类设置国债期货品种,并采取交割月任一个营业日交割的方式。

    Third , when design the treasury futures ' trading rules , we should set the varieties of treasury futures in accordance with the duration of classification , and also allow the delivery in any working day in delivery-months .

  13. 最后在借鉴CME成功经验的基础上,对我国生猪期货交割制度进行了初步设计,创新地提出采用实物交割和以生猪现货价格指数为结算价的现金结算两种交割方式并存的交割制度。

    Third it tries to design the delivery institution of hog future and presents innovatively that it is suitable for hog future to execute physical delivery and cash settlement by cash price index .