
  • 网络Trading halt
  1. 暂缓令并未明确何时会考虑这3家基金延长交易暂停期的请求。

    The court order does not specify when the funds ' request for a longer stay will be considered .

  2. “银行假日”这个名称起源于银行关闭以至所有交易暂停的时期。

    The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when Banks were shut and so no trading could take place .

  3. 投票表决不久后,基因泰克股票跌6.58美元,约9%,以66.20美元收盘,交易暂停。

    The company 's stock dropped $ 6.58 , or9 % , to $ 66.20.Trading was halted shortly after the vote .

  4. 印度股市开盘仅三分钟就触发停牌机制,迫使股票交易暂停1小时。

    The stock market had only been open for three minutes before circuit triggers were breached , forcing the suspension of trading for one hour .

  5. 另外,可以配合其他措施如交易暂停等来降低中国股票市场价格波动的剧烈程度,提高市场效率。

    Also , other methods such as trading halts should be used with the price limits policy to reduce the volatility of the stock markets , hence the efficiency of the markets can be improved .

  6. 印度监管机构远期市场委员会(forwardmarketscommission)奉国大党领导的联合政府之命,昨日暂停了马铃薯、豆油、橡胶及鹰嘴豆期货交易,暂停时间至少4个月。

    The regulator , the forward markets Commission , acting under instruction from the Congress party-led coalition government , suspended futures trading yesterday in potatoes , soy oil , rubber and chickpeas for at least four months .

  7. 与此同时,冰岛克朗离岸汇率跌至荒谬可笑的低位,而国内外汇交易已经暂停。

    Meanwhile the krona fell to ridiculous lows offshore , while domestic trading of the currency ceased .

  8. 美国所有股票交易昨日全天暂停,固定收益市场在午间提前闭市,今日将全天关闭。

    US equities trading was closed all yesterday , while fixed-income markets observed an early close of midday and will shut operations today .

  9. 下调交易费率、暂停新股发行、设立巨额救市基金买进股票、证券公司承诺增购股票。

    Stock trading transactions were slashed . I.P.O.s were suspended . Huge stabilization funds were set up to purchase shares . Brokerage houses promised to buy more .

  10. 如果在股票交易所上市的公司出了大新闻,那该公司的股票交易就会被暂停一段时间,而有关部门对雄安当地的房地产业也采取了同样的做法。

    Much like when a listed company on a stock exchange has major news , and its trading is suspended for a time , so too have authorities around Xiong'an the local real estate sector .