
  • 网络Exchange Index;PSEI
  1. 泰国证券交易所指数(StockExchangeofThailandIndex)收于796.86点,上涨4.4%。

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand Index rose 4.4 % to close at 796.86 points .

  2. 这使上海证券交易所指数在几分钟内暴涨近7%。

    This sent the Shanghai Stock Exchange spiking close to 7-percent in a matter of minutes .

  3. 以上海证券交易所综合指数为例的实证研究表明SVM模型能够很好的对股市波动进行建模。

    Empirical studies for the Shanghai Composite Index have shown that SVM model can model the stock market volatility very well .

  4. 在中国以外,第二季度亚洲地区表现最好的市场是菲律宾,菲律宾证券交易所综合指数(PSECompositeIndex)在这期间上涨2.7%。

    The best performing market in Asia in the second quarter , excluding China , was the Philippines , where the PSE Composite Index rose 2.7 % .

  5. 运用VAR模型、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应分析及协整检验对证券交易所国债指数和银行间国债指数的关联性进行检验和分析。

    The paper tests and analyzes the linkage between bourse and inter-bank treasury bond index by using VAR ( model ,) Granger causal test , impulse response analysis and co-integration test .

  6. 贝莱德集团(BlackRock)的新兴市场股票交易所基准指数基金下跌了25%,而且大部分下跌是在去年发生的。

    BlackRock 's benchmark exchange traded fund for emerging market stocks is down 25 percent , and most of that decline came in the last year .

  7. 对冲美国股票波动性(以芝加哥期权交易所Vix指数衡量)和美国投资级贷款违约的成本,目前恢复到了12个月前的水平。

    Over the past 12 months , the cost of insuring against volatility in US stocks ( as measured by the CBOE 's Vix index ) and against default by US investment-grade credits , is unchanged .

  8. 深圳证券交易所不同指数收益率的波动比较

    Comparison of the Volatility of Different Index in Shenzhen Stock Exchange

  9. 中国两大交易所的指数仍比一年前高出大约75%。这在一定程度上是因为大型国企表现得比其他公司好。

    China 's major exchanges remain up about 75 percent from a year ago , in part because big state-owned companies have fared better .

  10. 为避免徇私的指责,央行应该在透明、组织规范的证券交易所购买指数基金或者按市值比例购买单个证券。

    To avoid charges of favouritism , central banks should buy index funds or individual securities in proportion to market capitalisation on transparent and organised security exchanges .

  11. 实证结果表明证券交易所国债指数对银行间国债指数有较强的引导作用,二者之间存在短期相关关系,而不存在协整关系。

    The empirical results indicate that the bourse index has a strong guiding effect on the inter-bank index , and there is a shortterm correlation but no significant long-term equilibrium relation between them .

  12. 并采用该方法对我国上海证券交易所A股指数进行了深入分析,指出了上证A股指数具有较强的持续性,不是一个独立的随机游走过程。

    Based on this method , analyzes the model of Shanghai stock exchange A section share index thoroughly , pointing out that it has quite strong persistence , not being a unattached random walk process .

  13. 自8月初以来,芝加哥期权交易所波动率指数(cboevolatilityindex,简称为vix,是衡量投资者恐慌程度的指标)每交易日都保持在30以上。

    The CBOE volatility index , the barometer known as the VIX that is a gauge of fears of turbulence , has stayed above 30 in every session since early August .

  14. 《金融时报》解释称,这种风险在场外交易市场尤其普遍,而交易所开放式指数基金(ETF)、外汇期权和多种大宗商品衍生品的通常进行场外交易。

    The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets , where ETFs , foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade .

  15. 纽约证券交易所普通股票指数

    New York Stock Exchange common stock index

  16. 多伦多证券交易所三百综合指数

    Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite Index

  17. 同期,交易所交易金属指数上涨246%。

    During the same time , an index of exchange traded metals rose by 246 per cent .

  18. 提出了股票综合指数的特征值分析法,并利用这一模型对上海证券交易所股份综合指数的部分历史数据进行了相应的实证分析,获得了满意的结果。

    An eigenvalue method on stock price and its index is put forward . Actual forecast and analysis has shown that the model obtained the satisfactory result .

  19. 上海股票市场综合指数在过去两个月的时间里升高了30%,同时深圳交易所的综合指数上升了23%。

    The Shanghai Composite Index has surged 30 per cent during the past two months , while that of the Shenzhen exchange has risen by 23 per cent .

  20. 通过对上海证券交易所国债市场指数收益率序列波动特征的研究发现,上交所国债市场指数收益率不但具有非正态性和条件异方差的特点,还具有长记忆性特征。

    By the empirical analysis of the national debt market returns and volatilities in the Shanghai stock exchange , the return rates of national debt market price integrated index are found to be abnormal and with long memory properties .

  21. 运用SSD对上海证券交易所几只30指数股票进行了实证研究。

    According to SSD , some empirical studies on Shanghai Security Exchange are done .

  22. 由伦敦国际酿酒商交易所发布的Liv-ex100指数记录瓶装葡萄酒的价格。目前,该指数已经摆脱了信用紧缩并且其表现优于全球证券交易市场。

    The Liv-ex100 Index , which charts bottled-wine prices , has shrugged off the credit crunch and outperformed global stock markets .

  23. 最后,我特别查看芝加哥期权交易所市场波动率指数。

    Finally , I focused on the Chicago Board Options Exchange 's Market Volatility Index , or VIX .

  24. 从2002年1月到今年年初,雷曼兄弟的非交易所交易金属新指数上涨了598%。

    Its new index of non-exchange traded metals rose by 598 per cent from January 2002 to early this year .

  25. 在过去的20年间,指数基金开始流行,而最近,交易所交易基金(ETF,一种能够在交易所直接买卖的指数基金)推动了指数基金的增长。

    Index funds have caught on over the last two decades and , recently , their growth has been driven by exchange-traded funds - index funds that can be bought and sold directly on an exchange .