
  • 网络trading session;trading period
  1. 隔夜收益、成交量变动与日内交易时段收益

    Overnight Returns , Trading Volume Changes and Intraday Trading Periods Returns

  2. 港交所正常交易时段包含两小时的午饭休息时间,这在各大交易所中十分罕见。

    The regular Hong Kong trading session includes a two-hour lunch break , a rarity among leading exchanges .

  3. 这一消息让Facebook的股价在盘后交易时段下跌了近3%。

    The news sent Facebook shares down about 3 % in after-hours trading .

  4. 在Facebook宣布收购WhatsApp后,黑莓股价在盘后交易时段一度跃升8%。

    After the Facebook-WhatsApp deal was announced , shares of BlackBerry jumped as much as 8 % in after hours trading .

  5. 首先,采用BP神经网络建立价格钉识别模型,对未来某一交易时段市场清算电价可能出现的区间进行预测,并提供相应的置信度;

    Focusing on the price spike , this paper proposes a price interval identification model using neural network , which can generate forecasted price interval , level of spike and associated forecast confidence .

  6. 纳斯达克表示,其ipo定价软件出现了1毫秒的中断,导致一些交易商直到交易时段快结束时才收到自己的头寸情况报告。

    The exchange has said that a millisecond interruption of its IPO pricing software meant that some traders did not receive reports of their positions until near the end of the session .

  7. 后市交易时段,因为有报道称,美国将愿意通过增加对国际货币基金组织(imf)的投入,来支持扩大欧洲金融稳定基金,市场出现了进一步上涨。

    Further gains came late in the day on reports that the US would be willing to back a bigger European financial stability fund through increased commitments to the International Monetary Fund .

  8. 花旗集团(Citigroup)股价昨日在纽约市场早盘交易时段上涨3%。此前,这家全球最大的金融服务集团宣布,由于加强了成本控制,加之资本市场利润强劲,其第一财季的收益高于预期。

    Citigroup shares jumped 3 per cent in early New York trading yesterday after the world 's largest financial services company announced better-than-expected first-quarter earnings helped by improved cost control and strong capital markets profits .

  9. 雅虎的声明令该公司股价在盘后交易时段下跌3.5%,至每股16.17美元。声明包含在一份提交给监管机构的备案文件中,文件上有首席财务长莫尔斯(TimMorse)的签名。

    Yahoo 's statement , contained in a regulatory filing signed by Chief Financial Officer Tim Morse , sent the Sunnyvale , Calif. , company 's shares down 3.5 % in after-hours trading to $ 16.17 .

  10. 美国期货业协会(futuresindustryassociation)亚洲部主席艾马努埃福尔(emmanuelfaure)表示,港交所“非常愿意考虑”延长交易时段两小时,至下午6时的提议,并“非常有意在今年开始实施”。

    Emmanuel Faure , chairman of the Asian branch of the Futures Industry Association , said the exchange had been " very receptive " to a proposal to prolong trading by two hours until 6pm and " very interested in doing it this year " .

  11. 更糟糕的是,几天之后,美国财经频道cnbc女记者玛丽亚巴蒂罗姆(mariabartiromo)在纽约后市交易时段宣称,伯南克向她透露,市场误解了他之前发表的证词。

    To make matters worse , a few days later , CNBC anchorwoman Maria Bartiromo announced during afternoon trading in New York that the Fed chief had told her the market had misinterpreted his testimony .

  12. 继经历了震荡剧烈的正常交易时段之后,银行类股票在盘后交易中走软。

    Bank stocks were soft in late trading after a choppy day .

  13. 随着日经指数的上涨,在上午交易时段,日元缓慢下跌。

    The Yen slowly declining in morning trading hours as the Nikkei rises .

  14. 但在周二,人民币在午后交易时段下跌0.4%。

    But on Tuesday the renminbi dropped 0.4 per cent in afternoon trading .

  15. 目前,港股交易时段仅有4小时,是全球主要交易所中交易时段最短的。

    Hong Kong Stock Exchange's4 hours is currently the shortest global stock trading hours .

  16. 纽约午后交易时段中段,其收益率为4.13%。

    In mid-afternoon trade in New York , it was yielding 4.13 per cent .

  17. 苹果股价在纽约股市午盘交易时段上涨了3.8%,至485.06美元。

    Apple shares were 3.8 per cent higher at $ 485.06 in afternoon New York trading .

  18. 周二晚间,苹果股票在盘后交易时段下跌了约0.5%。

    Shares of Apple were down about half a percentage point in after-hour trading Tuesday evening .

  19. 在莫斯科上午交易时段,卢布兑美元汇率下跌1.58%,至1美元兑54.87卢布。

    It was down 1.58 per cent at 54.87 against the greenback in Moscow morning trading .

  20. 此前该股曾在周一盘中交易时段非常活跃,并创出157.90美元的历史新高。

    The stock had reached an all-time high intraday Monday of $ 157.90 on brisk volume .

  21. 纽约早盘后段交易时段,该公司股价上涨近6%,至43.74美元。

    The shares were up almost 6 per cent at $ 43.74 in late-morning trading in New York .

  22. 美元兑日元汇率在日本交易时段试探100日元关口后,在欧洲交易时段跌至99.77日元。

    The dollar fell to Y99.77 in Europe after earlier testing the Y100 level during Japan 's trading day .

  23. 伦敦交易时段收盘时,欧元兑美元汇率下跌0.7%,至1欧元兑1.3802美元。

    The euro was down 0.7 per cent to $ 1.3802 against the dollar at the end of London trading .

  24. 在盘前交易时段,高盛股价曾下跌4.21美元,至125.21美元,跌幅为3.3%,而后收复部分失地。

    Goldman shares fell $ 4.21 , or 3.3 per cent , to $ 125.21 in pre-market trading before recovering some ground .

  25. 苹果股价在正常交易时段下跌1.40美元,收于151.51美元,随后在盘后交易中涨幅一度达到4%。

    Stock in Apple rose as much as 4 per cent in after-hours trading after closing down $ 1.40 to $ 151.51 .

  26. 苹果股价在纽约早盘交易时段上涨幅度略超过1%,触及699.54美元的盘中高点。

    Shares in Apple rose just over 1 per cent in morning trading in New York to hit an intraday high of $ 699.54 .

  27. 谷歌股价周四收于524.51美元,下跌了1%,盘后交易时段下跌了约2%。

    The stock closed on Thursday at $ 524.51 , down 1 percent , and it was down about 2 percent in after-hours trading .

  28. 昨日午盘交易时段,摩根大通股价上涨4%,富国银行股价上涨6%,帮助推升了大盘。

    JPMorgan shares rose 4 per cent and Wells Fargo shares were up 6 per cent in midday trade , helping push up the broader market .

  29. 在纽约市场交易时段,原油期货价格下跌1.45美元,至每桶63.22美元,黄金期货上升12.60美元,至每盎司741.70美元。

    Oil futures fell $ 1.45 to $ 63.22 a barrel , and gold futures climbed $ 12.60 to $ 741.70 per ounce in New York trading .

  30. 在纽约盘前交易时段,苹果股价曾跌破500美元关口,接近中午时为504.73美元,跌幅约为3%。

    Shares in Apple shaved the $ 500 mark in pre-market trading and were about 3 per cent lower at $ 504.73 by late morning in New York .