- place of delivery

Named place of delivery at frontier Final Destination Changing Charges
Named place of delivery at frontier Ex quay ( warehouse ; godown ) price
A fourth bargaining chip is altering the point of delivery .
How 'd they know where the drop was ?
Ensure materials delivery on time at required volume ;
Named place of delivery at frontier
The chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place .
Precise Point of Delivery – In some cases it may not be possible for the buyer to name the precise point of delivery at contract .
Usually the terms require the seller to deliver the goods to a location specified by the buyer , so the cost of transportation is almost always carried by the seller .
The supplier shall guarantee that all molecular sieve changeover ball valves will not be subject to damage during boxing , transportation and storage prior to shipping to the place of delivery .
The seller must place the goods at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport not unloaded at the named place of delivery at the frontier on the date or within the agreed period .
International commercial terms are a kind of special terms used to specify the price constituents of goods and the place of delivery , to define the responsibility , cost and risk of both the seller and the buyer .
If a point at the named place of delivery at the frontier is not agreed or is not determined by practice , the seller may select the point at the named place of delivery which best suits his purpose .
The planned delivery date and place for complete set of equipment shall be determined during contract negotiation .
Under the time-based supply chain environment , Auto-logistics must response to customer 's order quickly and make just-in-time distribution to the right place at right time as required .
Export : Representative office 's function is to contact between suppliers and export agent , to assure the quality of the goods and delivery time , and tail after the place of delivery .
Thistime of delivery'is linked to the Contractual place of delivery , which is not necessarily the place where the goods reach the buyer .