
jiāo fù
  • deliver;pay;submit;post;hand over;present;consign;turn in;turn over
交付 [jiāo fù]
  • (1) [pay]∶支付

  • 交付借款的利息

  • (2) [submit]∶交给

  • 交付审判

交付[jiāo fù]
  1. 据EPB公司估计,只有9名市民和两家企业交付了每月高达350美元的网络使用费用。

    EPB estimates that nine residents and two businesses pay the hefty $ 350-per-month charge .

  2. 司机过桥必须得交付过桥费。

    Driers had to pay a toll to pass the bridge .

  3. 被绑架的儿童在交付了赎金后均安然回到家中。

    The kidnapped children were all ransomed and returned home unharmed .

  4. 办公室将于六月交付使用。

    The offices will be ready for occupation in June .

  5. 他们未能继续按时交付这笔分期付款。

    They were unable to keep up the instalments .

  6. 交付他的任务不包括向新闻界发言。

    It wasn 't part of his brief to speak to the press .

  7. 我们分批交付货物。

    We deliver the goods in batches .

  8. 船1个月内还不能交付使用。

    The ship will not be ready for a month .

  9. 钱会交付他人托管,直到她年满18岁。

    The money will be put in trust until she is 18 .

  10. 每股1英镑的首期付款应在申请时交付。

    The first instalment of £ 1 per share is payable on application .

  11. 亨利交付的税款平均为他收入的四分之一左右。

    Henry 's taxes averaged out to about a fourth of his income .

  12. 这些部件必须从海外订购,因此你需要的货要推迟交付。

    There will be a delay on your request as the parts have to be ordered from overseas .

  13. 如果货物每吨的平均运程按87公里(合54英里)计算,货物可以被保证在同一天或头天晚上准时交付。

    With the average length of hauls being about87km ( 54 miles ), deliveries can often be guaranteed the same day or overnight .

  14. 拉里在把货物交付给顾客后,正沿着165号公路向北行驶。

    Larry was traveling along 165 north after delivering to one of his customers .

  15. 这些服务不会向消费者收取高昂费用,其中大部分都是免费的(实际上,消费者也是通过交付更多数据来进行支付)。

    Far from charging consumers high prices , many of these services are free ( users pay , in effect , by handing over yet more data ) .

  16. 我们的生产厂商手头有许多积压而没有交付的订单。

    Our manufacturers have heavy backlogs on their hands .

  17. 那一天,我做到了,我深呼吸,然后将我的信任交付到生活手中

    I did breathe and put my faith in my life that day .

  18. 他敦促各方在三个方面采取行动,“改变游戏规则”。首先,他呼吁各国与COVAX之间的任何双边合同都要透明,包括数量、定价和交付日期。

    He pressed for action in three areas to " change the rules of the game " , starting with an appeal for transparency in any bilateral contracts between countries and COVAX , including on volumes , pricing and delivery dates .

  19. 作为回应,政府表示,为弱势儿童和年轻人购买的100万台笔记本电脑中,有一半以上已经交付。同时,政府正与移动网络运营商合作,为在家学习的儿童提供免费数据流量。

    In response , the government says more than half of the one million laptops bought for disadvantaged children and young people have already been delivered and it 's working with the mobile network operators to provide free data at home .

  20. 管理顾问常用这个词来表达他们要deliver(交付)的某个替代report的东西。

    Used by management consultants for something that they will deliver instead of a report .

  21. deliveryprocess插件包含CRM交付过程,它是端到端的完整协议生命周期。

    The delivery_process plug-in includes the CRM delivery process , which is an end-to-end complete engagement lifecycle .

  22. RationalTeamConcert允许项目团队去定义、自动化和管理软件交付项目。

    Rational Team Concert allows project teams to define , automate , and govern software delivery projects .

  23. 在过去的数年间,Rational员工以及咨询员收集并发布了程序交付团队已被行业证明的最佳实践。

    Over the years , Rational staff and consultants have collected and published industry-proven best practices for application delivery teams .

  24. 本文展示了两个交付SOA计划的过程中可能产生的反模式。

    This article has presented two antipatterns that may arise during the delivery of SOA initiatives .

  25. 而每个银行反过来将向其客户交付银行特定的AccountOpening服务配置。

    Each of these banks , in turn , delivers a bank-specific configuration of the Account Opening services to its customers .

  26. ERP系统将企业获取客户订单,完成加工和交付,最后得到客户付款。

    ERP system obtains the order from customers , complete the process and delivery then get paid .

  27. 此外,本文还构建了基于CVD顾客价值综合分析矩阵,并设计了顾客价值交付循环模式。

    Lastly , it designs a customer value delivery circle .

  28. 于鑫泉拿起一把扳手,把几分钟前刚刚交付的一辆白色特斯拉ModelS的前挡风玻璃砸碎。这一幕发生在周五,被砸车辆价值人民币100万元(约合173600美元)。

    Minutes after taking delivery of a white Tesla Model S on Friday in Beijing , Yu Xinquan took a wrench and smashed the front windshield of the one million yuan ( about $ 173600 ) vehicle .

  29. WebSphereJDBCAdapter可以确保在入站服务中处理事件交付时的高可用性。

    WebSphere JDBC Adapter can ensure high availability when processing events delivery in the inbound service .

  30. 在Web的早期,Web服务器使用HTML以及位于给定Web服务器的本地图形文件交付静态数据。

    In the early days of the Web , Web servers delivered static data from HTML and graphics files that were local to a given Web server .