
  • 网络Consumables;expendable
  1. 所有权保留的客体范围包括动产和不动产,同时还应该以排除的方式对所有权保留动产的范围进行一定的限定,将无形财产、货币、消耗物、动物排除在外。

    First , out of range of the object retention of title , including movable and immovable property , should also be excluded ownership to retain the scope of the movable property to a certain limit , intangible property , currency , depleting substances , animal exclusion .

  2. 中小型企业的信息管理具有很多相同之处,如果为每个企业单独开发一套系统,就有很多重复性工作,消耗人力物力财力,此时,SaaS模式应运而生。

    Small and medium-sized enterprise information management has a lot in common . If each company independently developed a set of system , there are a lot of repetitive work , wasting a lot of manpower , material and financial resources . At this point , the SaaS model emerges .

  3. 采取以开展公共卫生服务的实际消耗(物化劳动消耗与活劳动消耗)计算物化成本和人力成本。

    Taken to carry out the actual consumption ( materialized labor consumption and living labor consumption ) of public health service to calculate materialized cost and the manpower cost .

  4. 代谢足迹技术是利用直接注射质谱方法,在分析系统中以培养基为介质,监控细胞从生长培养基中消耗营养物以及分泌代谢物至培养基的全部过程。

    Metabolic footprinting relies not on measurement of the intracellular metabolites , but on monitoring of the metabolites consumed from , and secreted into , the culture medium by yeast batch or human tissues by using direct-injection MS .

  5. 部队传统的考核方法消耗人力物力资源巨大,并受到人员、时间、场地等因素的局限,难以适应现代军事发展的需要。

    In our army , since traditional examination model exhausts huge human and material , and is restricted by some factors like person , time and space , it is very difficult to satisfy the needs of modern military education .

  6. 公交OD量是公交调度管理及线网优化的基础,传统的获取公交OD量的方法需要进行大范围的个人出行情况调查,消耗大量人力物力,且数据更新缓慢。

    Public transportation OD matrix is fundamental to public transportation dispatch and network optimization . Traditional approach to collection of pubic transportation OD matrix needs a lot of personal trip surveys , which will expend a lot of manpower and material resources and renovate data by inches .

  7. 这种巡查工作会消耗大量人力物力资源。

    But this going on a tour of inspection of the method of work shortcoming is to be able to consume large amount of manpower and material resources resource .

  8. 随着海拔升高,昼夜温差变大,白天光合作用增强,有利于光合物形成,制造的有机物质多,夜间呼吸作用减弱,消耗的有机物少,积累的有机物多,使燕麦种子产量显著增加。

    With the increase of elevation and temperature difference between day and night , the photosynthesis enhanced during daylight and respiration reduced at night , resulting in more organic matter accumulation and higher seed yield .

  9. 同样,退税方案可允许对生产出口产品过程中消耗的投入物(扣除正常损耗)征收的进口费用进行减免或退税。

    Similarly , drawback schemes can allow for the remission or drawback of import charges levied on inputs that are consumed in the production of the exported product ( making normal allowance for waste ) .

  10. 发动机机油消耗与颗粒物排放具有密切关系,降低机油消耗是控制颗粒物排放的有效途径之一,降低机油消耗措施的有效性评估依赖于发动机机油消耗的精确测量。

    Reducing oil consumption is an effective measure to control the particulates emission from internal combustion engine because of the close relation between oil consumption and particulates emission . The evaluation of the effectiveness to decrease oil consumption depends on the oil consumption measurement precision .

  11. 因其人员聚集,流动性大,物品消耗及医疗费物多。

    Because its personnel gathers , fluidity big , the goods consumption and fee-for-service are many .

  12. 由于网络的通信速度,减小了现实存在中消耗的人力、物力和财力,所以网络通信存在强大优势。

    Network communication has huge advantage , because its high transmitting speed reduces consumption of manpower , material and time .

  13. 在一定生产技术条件下,生产单位合格产品所消耗的人力、物力和财力资源的数量标准称之为定额。

    The quantity standard of manpower that the production unit qualified product consumes and material resources and financial resources is called it the quota under the fixed production specification .

  14. 网上报税是税务电子化的最重要部分,改善了人工纳税方式的消耗大量的人力物力等的不足,也大大提高纳税人的工作效率。

    The tax network declarer is an important part of E-taxation . It improved shortcomings of taxes paid by man , which consume a lot of manpower and material resources .

  15. 对于传统动力汽车,发动机是汽车的动力来源,同时也是燃料的直接消耗者和排放物的直接生成者,对汽车性能有着至关重要的影响。

    As to traditional vehicle , engine is the only power source , and it is also the direct consumer of fuel and direct producer of emission , so it influence vehicle performance significantly .

  16. 面对大规模的网站安全监测工作,依靠传统单机安全检测工具或者管理员手工检测管理网站几乎是不可想象的,不仅消耗了大量人力物力,而且检测的实效性和全面性都很低。

    Facing the large scale of websites safety monitoring work , the traditional single machine safety testing tools or administrator manual testing site management were almost unthinkable . It caused a lot of manpower and material resources while the effectiveness is very low .