
fǎ dìnɡ qī jiān
  • statutory period;prescribed time
  1. 司法效率的实现有赖于刑事诉讼法对诉讼期间的科学规范和司法实践对法定期间的严格遵守。

    The effective realization of judicial efficiency depends on the scientific arrangement of duration of action imposed by criminal procedural law and strict observance of prescribed time by judicial practice .

  2. 法定期间不包括路途上的时间。

    A legally prescribed time period shall not include travelling time .

  3. 第七十五条期间包括法定期间和人民法院指定的期间。

    Article 75 Time periods shall include those prescribed by the law and those designated by a people 's court .

  4. 所谓时效,指一定事实状态在法定期间持续存在,从而产生与该事实状态相适应的法律效果的法律制度。

    The prescription system means the corresponding legal effects happens based on certain facts which last a certain continuous period .

  5. 它是权利人不行使权利的状态持续达法定期间时,即可发生权利变动的一种法律事实。

    Time limit on Litigation is a legal fact that the right will charge when righter does not exercise his right over a legal period .

  6. 坚持检察院不应具有死亡宣告申请权,被宣告死亡人之死亡时间应为法定期间届满之日。

    We should stick to the system that procuratorates have no right to apply for declaration of death , the dead time of the person who has been declared for death is the date that legislated time is due .

  7. 当事人不能在法定期间提起上诉或者提出答辩状,申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。

    Where a litigant cannot file an appeal or produce a reply within the prescribed period and requests an extension of the time limit , it shall be up to the people 's court to rule on the request .

  8. 单独分析法定保证期间性质的做法在我国没有立论的前提。通过研究可知,这些机制都无法单独实现完全的QoS保证。

    Individual analysis on legal guaranty period has not been stated in Chinese legal system . Through research , we got to know that only a single kind of QoS mechanism cannot solve problems of quality of service .

  9. 对于各大旅游景点来说,在中国法定假日期间,它们总是最繁忙的。

    Public holidays in China are always busy times for the country 's tourism sites .

  10. 濒临破产的企业在法定整顿期间被精减的职工;

    Staff and workers of the enterprises facing bankruptcy laid off during the statutory streamlining period ;

  11. 我国取得时效的构成要件应包括两个方面:占有和经过法定的期间。

    The requisites for usucapion in China should include the two aspects : occupancy and the legal period of time .

  12. 实行实行28/28轮休的员工需要根据他们在法定节假日期间的轮休工作。

    Shift employees on a28 day rotational work cycle are required to work according to their shifts during official holidays .

  13. 而该电影首映期恰逢中国的端午节,在这个全国性的法定节假日期间,《魔兽》的潜在观众数量非常巨大。

    The opening coincided with the Dragon Boat Festival , a public holiday across China , so the potential audience was vast .

  14. 虽然政府机构没能给铁路乘客带来什么好消息,但他们的确努力为那些驾车回家的旅客提供便利,规定春节法定假日期间免除贵得出奇的高速公路费。

    While officials had little good news for rail passengers , they did manage to bring a few smiles to those traveling by car as the country 's notoriously expensive highway tolls will be waived for the duration of the official holiday .

  15. 信托终止后,不仅仅限于移交信托财产,而要到信托财产完全归属于权利归属人时为止,信托处于拟制存续状态。在此法定存续期间,受托人须继续履行其义务。

    When the trust ends , it is in the existence of the legal fiction period from transfering the trust property to the trust property fully belong to the person which has the rights to obtain . During the legal duration , the trustee shall continue to fulfill his obligations .