
  • 网络subject of legal relation;Subject
  1. 本部分首先探讨了公司、企业相对于国家的独立性,指出公司、企业是独立的法律关系主体,而不是国家机关的一个机构。

    In this part , the author at first points out the companies and enterprises are independent subject of legal relation , not a institution in a state organization .

  2. 论档案利用活动中的法律关系主体及其权利义务的实现

    Subject of Legal Relation in Utilization of Archival Documents and Realization of Its Right and Obligation

  3. 第二部分是契约型证券投资基金法律关系主体。

    The second part is the contractual securities investment fund law .

  4. 论体育法律关系主体资格特征及其确立

    Discussion on Main - body Qualification in Sport Law Relationship

  5. 其中,主体为国家与实施犯罪行为的教育法律关系主体;

    Among them is main body for country and implementation criminality education legal relationship ;

  6. 这些挑战反映在环境法领域便是关于非自然人实体的法律关系主体地位的探讨。

    These challenges mainly lie in the legal position of not natural person entity .

  7. 第二章:地役权法律关系主体和客体问题研究。

    The second part of the dissertation studies the subjects and objects of easement .

  8. 司法救济是当受教育权法律关系主体认为其合法权益受到侵害时,向人民法院提起诉讼。

    Litigation remedies happen when legal relationship subjects consider that legal rights and interests are received infringement .

  9. 经济法律关系主体即经济法主体,包括经济管理主体和经济活动主体两大类。

    The subject is the subject of economic law containing the subject of economic management and that of economic activity .

  10. 由躲猫猫事件看我国监狱法律关系主体范围拓展的必要性

    From " Hurry & Scurry " Event to See the Necessity of Expanding the Scope of Subjects of Prison Legal Relations

  11. 其中,环境义务是指为了实现和保障环境权主体的环境权利,有关环境法律关系主体所应承担的为或不为一定行为的义务。

    Environmental duties are obligations or omissions born by the subjects of environmental legal relationships in order to realize the environmental rights .

  12. 基于劳动法律关系主体现实的不平等性,劳动法越来越多地表现出私法公法化的趋势。

    Because of the inequality of subjects of labor-law relations , labor law gradually demonstrates the trend of " private laws publicize " .

  13. 对于慈善法律关系主体涉及的发起人、捐赠人、受益人、监督人四方主体进行具体论述。

    For charities involved in the legal relationship of the main sponsors , donors , beneficiaries , supervisors were specifically addressed the main square .

  14. 本文认为,环境法律关系主体是指一切为环境法律规范所调整的,直接或间接实施与环境有关的各种行为的个人或者社会组织。

    This paper advances that the subjects of environmental legal relationships are all the persons and social relationships governed by environmental law directly or indirectly .

  15. 税收法定主义与诚信原则是调整税收法律关系主体的两个不同的主张或准则。

    Tax legalism and the principle of honesty and credit are two different opinions or standards to adjust the subject of the tax law relations .

  16. 第二章以环境法律关系主体理论的反思与修正为题,首先考察和介绍了传统的法律关系主体的界定、判定标准及其历史演化等内容,指出了法律关系主体理论所面临的挑战。

    First , it reviewed the traditional legal relationship theory , including its definition , judgment standard and evolution , pointing out the challenges it faces .

  17. 考虑到学校作为法律关系主体的特殊性,应建立与完善学校限额赔偿机制和风险分担机制。

    Considering the unique feature of school as the subject of law relation , we should establish and perfect school limited compensation and the system of sharing risk .

  18. 房地产登记信息公开制度是确保房地产交易之安全与便捷、保障房地产法律关系主体合法权益的重要制度。

    The information publicity system for real estate registration is to ensure the safety and convenience for trading market , protect the legal rights for the main legitimate .

  19. 特别是在股权转让过程中,股权转让合同所涉及的法律关系主体呈现出多元化的趋势,股权的瑕疵必然对相关主体的合法权益产生不利的影响。

    Especially in the process of the transfer of shares , the contract may involve multiple relations ; the defective shares inevitably have adverse impaction on the related persons .

  20. 政府信息公开立法的调整对象是指政府信息公开法律关系主体的权利义务关系。

    The regulatory object of legislation for government information publicity refers to the relationship of the right and obligation of the subject of legal relationship in publicizing government information .

  21. 正是基于这些特征,行政许可主体不同于行政许可法律关系主体、行政许可行为主体以及一般的行政机关。

    Just because of these characteristics , the administrative licensing subject is different from legal relation subject of the administrative licensing , administrative licensing behavior subject and general administrative organ .

  22. 这一部分主要以监督行政为视角,从监督行政法律关系主体、客体、内容等方面提出了法律控制行政公物私用的基本思路。

    This chapter is mainly from the perspective of supervising administrative legal relationship , puts forward some basic solutions in the subject , object and content of supervising administrative legal relationship .

  23. 环境行政违法行为的效力状态直接决定环境行政法律关系主体的权利义务,进而决定了法院对判决形式的选择。

    The validity situation of the environmental administrative illegal activity directly decides the rights and duties of legal relationship main bodies of the environmental administration and the decision forms from the court .

  24. 民族经济权利是少数民族经济法律关系主体为实现和满足本民族经济利益,依法所享有的为或不为一定经济行为或要求他人为或不为一定经济行为的手段。

    Ethnic Economic Rights is a group of ethnic minority rights to realize and satisfy its economic benefits by exercising economic behaviors or asking other to excusive economic behaviors , or not .

  25. 据此,本文认为,环境法律关系主体包括自然人、法人(公法人和私法人)和其他社会组织,此外,自然人的整体或者人类整体也可以作为环境法律关系的主体。

    Accordingly , the author considers that the subject of environmental legal relationship should consist of natural person , legal person including public legal person and private legal person and other social organizations .

  26. 并以此为前提,在确立民事诉讼诚实信用一般条款的基础上,按诉讼法律关系主体不同的地位与义务特征,展开对具体规则体系的构建思考。

    On this basis , the text is trying to think about the construction of the concrete rule system according to the status of different subjects involving in a lawsuit and their duty characteristics .

  27. 国家依法行使刑罚权与教育法律关系主体在法律规定的限度内对国家承担刑事责任构成教育刑事法律关系的内容;

    The country legally exercises the penalty power and the education legal relationship main body undertakes the legal responsibility constitution education criminal activity legal relationship content in the legal rule limit to the country ;

  28. 本文借鉴诚信原则在民法中的涵义,阐述了其在行政法中的内涵以及对行政法律关系主体的要求。

    This article borrows the ideas from the good faith principle in civil law to elaborate the meaning of the good faith principle in administrative law and the requirements to the administrative law relationship .

  29. 体育纠纷,是指在体育活动中以及解决与体育相关的各种事务中,各种体育法律关系主体之间发生的,以体育权利义务为内容的矛盾。

    Sports dispute , which is a social dispute happening among the subjects of sports law relation in sports activities and various affairs related with sports , whose content are sports rights and obligations .

  30. 随着程序独立价值观的张扬与协同主义诉讼观的兴起,诉讼法律关系主体成为发现案件事实、完成诉讼的作业共同体,诚实信用原则重新为学说及立法所关注。

    With the prevalence of independent procedure and the rise of compromising litigation view , the subjects involving in a lawsuit become cooperating community in discovering the truth of a case and completing the lawsuit .