
yī bān fǎ lǜ ɡuān xì
  • general jural relations;general legal relationship
  1. 本章内容在明确股指期货买卖这一法律事实的基础上,运用民事法律关系的一般理论从法律关系的主体、客体、内容三个方面对股指期货买卖法律关系进行全面分析。

    Having explicating the legal fact of stock index futures transaction , this chapter analyzes the legal relationship in stock index futures transaction from subject , object and content three facets thoroughly applying the general theory of civil legal relationship .

  2. 从法律的角度来看,医疗服务行为不是一般的经济法律关系。医疗服务是一种特殊的消费行为,是一种特殊的经济法律关系。

    In the perspective of law , medical services are no ordinary acts of economically legal relation between doctors and patients , they are rather a special consuming act on the side of consumers and there is a special economically legal relation between doctors and patients .

  3. 然而,哲学因果关系具有一般性,法律因果关系具有特殊性,如果对法律因果关系的研究仅仅停留在哲学因果关系的移植上,那么则无法解决法律适用中的问题的。

    On Legal Regulation However , causality in philosophy is general , while legal causation is particular .

  4. 这些基本原则所涵括的价值与一般法律价值之间的关系是个别与一般、特殊与普遍的关系,它们更体现了科技法律制度的特殊性;

    The relations among the values contained in these principles and that of general law are like the special and general ; these special values are the embodiment of the science and technology legal system .