
yī shì liǎng fèn
  • in duplicate;with a duplicate copy
一式两份[yī shì liǎng fèn]
  1. 本协议书一式两份。

    This agreement is done in duplicate .

  2. 保险单/证书一式两份指示tonnage发行到受益人的次序总包裹和网,而且空格支持包含的货物因为,加上不少于25pct的发票价值。

    Insurance policy / certificate in duplicate indicate total packages and net tonnage issued to beneficiary 's order and blank endorsed covering goods for , the invoice value plus not less than25pct .

  3. 兹寄上盖有印章的契约一式两份。

    Herewith we are sending you a written contract under seal in two copies .

  4. 证书的4.insurancepolies以可磋商的形式,一式两份和支持到悬挂seng的次序存入银行公司HongKong依照大海人的保险co的海产货物子句包含的所有危险。

    Insurance polies of certificates in negotiable form , in duplicate and endorsed to the order of hang seng bank LTD.

  5. 然后填写报案笔录也写完了一式两份

    And file a police report . Done . In duplicate .

  6. 保险或保险书通常是一式两份。

    Insurance policies or certificates are usually made out in duplicate .

  7. 填写表格、准备合同等一式两份。

    Complete a form , prepare a contract , etc in duplicate .

  8. 我们需要准备一个一式两份的合同。

    in duplicate We should prepare a contract in duplicate .

  9. 相关单据包括即期汇票一式两份。

    The relevant documents shall include a D / D in duplicate .

  10. 现在我们通常要求草稿一式两份。

    Usually now we ask for a draft in duplicate .

  11. 我随函附上合同一式两份。

    I send you herewith two copies of the contract .

  12. 修改的专利申请文件应当提交一式两份。

    The amendments to the application for patent shall be in two copies .

  13. 兹附上我们已签名的第123号购买合同一式两份。

    We attach hereto our purchase contract NO.123 in duplicate with our signature .

  14. 附上我们第45号发卖条约一式两份。

    We enclose our sales contract No.45 in duplicate .

  15. 合同一式两份,将送交您签署。

    Two copies of the contract will be sent to you for signature .

  16. 本合同一式两份中的一份,一方保存。

    The contract is in duplicate , either of the two parties preserves one .

  17. 第五条本协议一式两份,双方各执一份。

    The Agreement will have two copies . Each party shall keep a copy .

  18. 清一式两份签收这个收据。

    Please fill in the receipt in duplicate .

  19. 你这儿是一式两份。

    You have two copies there .

  20. 这两者都是一式两份。

    They be both in duplicate .

  21. 请把这封信打成一式两份。

    Type the letter in duplicate .

  22. 我们的合同一式两份。

    Our contract is down two .

  23. 本合同用英文书写,正本一式两份,双方各执一份为凭。

    The contract is write in English language in two original , one for each party .

  24. 本合同一式两份。自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。

    This contract is in 2 copies effective since being signed / sealed by both parties .

  25. 本约定一式两份,甲乙方各执一份,并具有同等法律效力。

    This agreement is in duplicate , both of which have the same effect in law .

  26. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各保留一份。

    This Contract is in duplicate , Party A and Party B shall hold one each .

  27. 我现在寄去来函所说的文件,一式两份。

    I am sending the document mentioned in your letter , two copies of the same form .

  28. 《汉语作为外语教学能力证书申请表》(一式两份);

    Application for a Certificate of Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language ( two copies );

  29. 则须签署订明的表格,一式两份,交予双方各一份。

    He shall sign the prescribed form in duplicate and deliver one copy to each of the parties .

  30. 本协议以中英文同时书就,一式两份,双方各执一份。

    This agreement is made in two originals in both English and Chinese , each party holding one .