
  • 网络Sale by sample
  1. 凭样品买卖中瑕疵担保责任比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Warranties of Defects in Sales by Sample

  2. 第一章,采用逻辑分析方法得出了凭样品买卖合同的特征,成立条件及其表现形态。

    By logical analytical method , Part 1 introduces the Characteristics , formation elements and category of sample contract .

  3. 第五章,通过与凭样品买卖中物之瑕疵担保责任作比较,并运用价值方法,论述了特殊瑕疵担保责任的构成要件和法律效力,对我国

    Through comparative study , Part 4 treats the general elements and effect of warranty of defects of thing in sample contract compared with

  4. 凭样品买卖的特点,是加强出卖人的责任,视为出卖人担保交付的买卖标的物与货样有同一品质。

    By the characteristic of sample buying and selling , it is to strengthen the duty that sells a person , regard as betray a person to assure the content of the business bid of consign and sample goods have same quality .