
yù qī wéi yuē
  • anticipatory breach of contract
  1. 预期违约(Anticipatorybreachofcontract),又称为先期违约,源于英美法系。

    Anticipatory breach of contract , and also called to expect default first , derives from common law system .

  2. 简述不安抗辩和预期违约制度

    A System of Unsafe Right of Defense & Anticipatory Breach of Contract

  3. 论《合同法》中预期违约制度的完善&以CISG为视角

    On the Perfection of Anticipatory Breach in Contract Law & From the Perspective of CISG

  4. 研究结果表明:KMV模型对我国上市公司的预期违约频率(EDF)计算结果与企业实际经营情况基本相符。

    The result has been drawn in the thesis indicates that the EDF of the listed company is basically identical with its real conditions .

  5. 上市公司违规行为对违约距离和预期违约率影响的实证研究&兼论KMV模型的修正

    Empirical Research on the Influence of Listed Company 's Illegal Actions to Violation Distance and Expected Violation Frequency & Both Discussing on Modify of KMV Model

  6. 预期违约制度与根本违约制度在1980年CISG制定过程中体现出一种不断进步的状态,融合了英美法系与大陆法系、发达国家与发展中国家等多方的利益要求,体现了国际货物销售的特殊性。

    A state of continuous progress was reflected in the making process of anticipatory breach system and fundamental breach system under CISG in 1980 .

  7. 但《合同法》中预期违约的规定,相比英美法、CISG中预期违约的规定显得极为单薄,且法律条文之间互相重叠、冲突。

    But the provisions in " contract law ", which is compared to the common law and CISG , is exposed provisions to extremely simple , overlap , conflict .

  8. KMV模型利用股价的波动来评估股权公开交易公司的信用风险,它最主要的分析工具是所谓的预期违约率EDF。

    KMV model makes use of the fluctuation of stock prices to assess the credit risk of open corporations , and its main analyzing vehicle is the so-called Expected Default Frequency ( EDF ) .

  9. 运用基于期权定价理论的KMV模型来得到公司的预期违约率和违约损失,从而能合理地确定贷款利率。

    The KMV Model , which is based on Merton ′ s option pricing theory , is applied to get the expected default frequency and default loss of the loan . In this way , the bank can reasonably decide the interest .

  10. 借助KMV模型求解预期违约距离的框架,并通过构造混合期限结构下增长因子的连续期望收益函数,系统建立了连续融资下多风险驱动因素与信用风险之间的结构性的规范关系。

    By means of a continual profit function under expected return rate and mixed time structure , the normative ( relationships ) between multi driving factors and default risk are systematically built with considering continually financing ( in the ) framework of KMV model 's solving expected default distance .

  11. 第1章介绍了预期违约制度的概况。

    Chapter 1 introduces the overview of the anticipatory breach system .

  12. 合同法总则第94条第2项以及第108条明确规定了预期违约的救济方法。

    94 article and NO. 108 article in the law of contract .

  13. 我国预期违约制度研究

    A Study on the System of Anticipatory Breach of Contract in China

  14. 试论预期违约合同解除后的赔偿责任

    Compensation for Losses for Anticipatory Breach of Contract After It Is Dissolved

  15. 预期违约制度对大陆法也有重大影响。

    The system has great effect upon the Continental Law .

  16. 预期违约制度的研究

    A Study on the Anticipatory Breach of the Contract System

  17. 论预期违约制度对合同保全制度的弥补功效

    On Remedial Effects of Anticipatory Contract-breaching System on Contract Preservation

  18. 因此被告应构成默示预期违约。

    Therefore the defendant should constitute the implied anticipatory breach of contract .

  19. 论预期违约的立法完善

    On Perfection of Legislature of Expected Breach of Contract

  20. 《合同法》预期违约阻却机制之建构评析

    Exemption from an Anticipatory Breach in the Contract Act

  21. 战略性贸易政策论预期违约

    Strategic Trade Policy Theory On expected breach of contract

  22. 论《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中的预期违约制度

    On The Anticipatory Breach Of Contract In UN International Sales Of Goods Convention

  23. 第二部分介绍了默示预期违约制度。

    The second part is on implied anticipatory breach .

  24. 关于预期违约制度的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of the System of Expectation Breach

  25. 预期违约制度若干问题研究

    Research on System of Anticipatory Breach of Contract

  26. 预期违约与不安抗辩制度的研究

    Research on Anticipatory Breach and Defense against Discomfort

  27. 预期违约制度与当今社会法律所追求的公正、效益、安全价值目标密切相关。

    Resounding with system of anticipatory breach of contract in Anglo-American genealogy of laws .

  28. 预期违约制度及其在我国合同法中的应用

    On the Application of Anticipatory Breach of Contract System to Contract Law in China

  29. 论现楼按揭贷款预期违约救济方法的具体运用

    On the Application of Relief Measures in Anticipatory Breach of Mortgage Loans for Ready Flats

  30. 英美预期违约理论研究与比较分析

    Study and Analysis on the Doctrine of Anticipatory Breach of Contract in Anglo-American Law System