
yù chǎn qī
  • expected date of childbirth;expected date of confinement;EDC
预产期 [yù chǎn qī]
  • [expected date of childbirth] 预计的胎儿出生的日期

预产期[yù chǎn qī]
  1. 我是2月26最后一次来月经,那预产期是什么时候呢?

    I was Feburary classics of forthcoming month of26 last times , is that expected date of childbirth when ?

  2. 然后再帮我算一下预产期可以吗?

    Help me consider expected date of childbirth OK again next ?

  3. 她的胎儿已超过预产期两周了。

    Her baby is two weeks overdue .

  4. 她恰好在医生所说的预产期分娩了。

    She delivered exactly when the doctor predicted she would .

  5. 他的经纪人向E!News透露,他们的孩子预产期在2014年1月的第一个周末。

    His rep tells E ! News that the couple is having a boy who is due the first week of January .

  6. 给我的好朋友,影迷和各传媒,我向大家公开宣布我的美丽妻子Lisa已怀孕和预产期是明年的6月。

    To friends , fans and the media . I would like to publicly announce that my beautiful wife Lisa is pregnant and will be expecting early June next year .

  7. 今年二月,怀孕(预产期为今年七月)后首次公开外出时,凯特王妃身穿一款灰色MaxMara裹裙。

    On her first visibly pregnant outing , in February , the Duchess , whose baby is due in July , wore a Max Mara grey wrap dress .

  8. 试验组母猪于预产期前一个月开始在日粮中添加0.005mg/kg大豆黄酮,产后一周停喂。

    The sows fed daidzein at the dose of 0 or 0.005 mg / kg from 30 days before parturition to 7 days after birth .

  9. 曼哈顿时装品牌Suno生产总监纳迪娅・布拉德肖-斯宾塞(NadiyahBradshaw-Spencer)第一个孩子的预产期是三月份。

    Nadiyah Bradshaw-Spencer-a production director for the Manhattan clothing label Suno-is due this month with her first baby .

  10. 设盐酸二氢埃托啡1、2、4μg/kg3个剂量组,在小鼠预产期前12h、临产时和分娩开始后2h共肌注给药3次。

    Dihydroetorphine hydrochloride ( DHE ) was administered intramuscularly at dose levels of 1 , 2 and 4 μ g / kg to pregnant mice 12 hours before expected date of delivery , at beginning of parturition , and at 2 hours after beginning of parturition .

  11. 预产期前一周,这位女士告诉Laflamme,她新做的超声波检测显示她怀上的是五胞胎。

    Then , a week before the due date , the woman told Laflamme that a new ultrasound showed that she was carrying quintuplets .

  12. 目的:研究福州地区新生儿实际出生日期与预产期差异(预产日差DBED)的基本规律,以及与传统预产期计算公式的异同点。

    OBJECTIVE To study on a new calculation method of newborn baby 's expected date of confinement ( EDC ), reporting the difference between birth and expected date ( DBED ) .

  13. 随着预产期的临近、腹中男宝宝的胎位是头上脚下,菲奥纳•西蒙斯(FionaSimmonds)尝试了自己知道的各种方法——针灸、膝胸卧式运动、在肚子旁边播放音乐——来试图让胎儿翻转过来,让自己可以自然生产。

    With her due date approaching and her unborn son pointed feet first , Fiona Simmonds tried every technique she knew of -- acupuncture , raising her pelvis above her head and playing music near her belly -- to encourage the baby to flip around and allow him be delivered normally .

  14. 采用对比试验设计,将40头中国荷斯坦妊娠母牛分为2组,各20头,在预产期前60~70天肌注亚硒酸钠维生素E50毫升/头。

    Applying the comparative experiment , Healthy China Holsteins were allotted randomly into two groups of eighteen heads . Every holsteins was injected intramuscularly 50ml / head by sodium selenite VE before date due calving 60 ~ 70 days .

  15. 你说你预产期在3月3月14日

    You said you 're due in March ? March 14th .

  16. 我是引产的,因为婴儿已经超过预产期三个星期。

    I was induced because the baby was three weeks overdue .

  17. 对超过预产期不同时间实行计划分娩探讨

    Planned delivery in different time over expected date of confinement

  18. 赵艺桐的预产期在四月初。

    Zhao is expected to give birth in early April .

  19. 这个小家伙的出生日比预产期足足提前了一个多星期。

    The couple 's third child was more than a week early .

  20. 所有我的朋友生第一胎的时候都比预产期晚。

    All of my friends delivered their first children after their due dates .

  21. 预产期已超过一礼拜了。

    The baby 's already a week overdue .

  22. 莉兹的胎儿预产期超过了两周。

    Liz 's baby is two weeks overdue .

  23. 意思是“已经超过预产期一周了”。

    The baby is already a week overdue .

  24. 我的预产期意味着,我将不能参加明年的整个预算工作。

    My due date meant I 'd miss next year 's entire budget season .

  25. 她诞生了个男孩,比预产期早了将近一个月。

    She gave birth to a boy almost one month before the due date .

  26. 福州地区8463例正常分娩新生儿实际出生日期与预产期差异的研究

    A Study on the Expected Date of Confinement for 8463 Newborn Babies in Fuzhou Area

  27. 她上一次怀孕过了预产期才生。

    Her last pregnancy went to term .

  28. 2012年,离预产期还有五周时,她肚子里的小家伙就提前来到了这个世界。

    In 2012 , five weeks before it was due , that adorable explosive detonated .

  29. 其中有三个标红的日期,分别是马上要举行的两场婚礼,以及一个预产期。

    The dates of two imminent marriages and an expected birth are noted in red .

  30. 她的预产期已过了3个星期。

    She 's three weeks overdue already .