
  • 网络Predictive Tool;predictor
  1. 一个广为接受的预测工具,Delphi估计,为项目参数及其方差的估计提供了健壮实用的预测方法。

    A widely accepted forecasting tool , Delphi estimation , provides a robust , practical method for estimating project parameters and their variances .

  2. 本文提出并设计了单域BGP路由预测工具,允许网络操作员可以零风险评估各种BGP配置组合,根据本工具的预测结果更好地优化域间流量。

    We present and design a tool for predicting BGP route in a single AS . The tool permit network operators assess different BGP configurations .

  3. 但是目前除了Goblet以外,并没有软件适合对未知序列进行批量的GO注释,而GoBlet因为具有上载量的限制,以及仅仅利用BLAST作为预测工具,所以仍有许多不足之处。

    There is currently no program for such purpose except Goblet , an online tool which uses BLAST to interpret query sequence with proper GO terms , but has a restriction of upload sequence files less than 100 kilobytes in size .

  4. 以两矩阵的乘法为例说明了如何借助BSP并行程序性能预测工具,利用两阶段BSP并行程序设计方法进行BSP并行程序的设计和开发。

    At last a useful parallel programming method based on the BSP model was presented : the two phase method of BSP parallel program design . An example was given to illustrate how to make use of the above method and the BSP performance prediction tool .

  5. 历史先例往往成为平庸者的预测工具。

    Historical precedent is often the forecasting tool of the mediocre mind .

  6. 数据挖掘中分类预测工具方法及应用研究

    The Method Research and Application about an Advanced Classification and Prediction Tool

  7. 巨无霸指数从来都没想成为一个精确的预测工具。

    The Big Mac index was never intended as a precise forecasting tool .

  8. 关于旅游地生命周期理论模型作为预测工具的思考

    The Think on the Teory Model of Tourist Area Life Cycle As Prediction Tool

  9. 该预测工具同时还具备搜索、设计网页、查询和报警的功能。

    It also features improved search , spider , seek , and alerting capabilities .

  10. 机械模型作为预测工具,比纯粹的经验模型要完善得多。

    Mechanistic models are considerably more robust as predictive tools than are purely empirical models .

  11. 内镜检查患者的满意度与不良耐受:对其评估和预测工具的发展状况研究

    Development of an instrument to assess and predict satisfaction and poor tolerance among patients undergoing endoscopic procedures

  12. 不能怪汤彦麟看错形势,也不能怪他信赖有缺陷的预测工具。

    Mr Tyler cannot be blamed for misreading the outlook , or for trusting faulty forecasting tools .

  13. 希望其能在企业管理中作为一种有效的分析和预测工具加以灵活运用。

    And the Financial Strategy Matrix was hoped to be applied flexibly as an effective analytical tool .

  14. “我们需要新的或改良的心血管事件风险预测工具以提供可靠的预后信息。”他说。

    " New or adjusted CV risk-prediction tools are needed to provide reliable prognostic information ," he said .

  15. 已有的预测工具由于价格昂贵,专业性很强,不适于一般用户使用。

    The existing forecasting tools are not fit for generic users by reason of their high price and speciality .

  16. 目的:揭示我国肺结核发病率的发展方向,为预防工作的顺利开展提供事前预测工具。

    Objective : To promulgate the development direction of the pulmonary tuberculosis disease incidence rate in our country , provided .

  17. 因此,该模型是一个有效的预测工具。

    We consider that the result of the prediction is practicable , and the model is a valuable tool for prediction .

  18. 该模型可作为一种较准确的预测工具,为预测耐用商品的生产和销售提供重要参考。

    As a fairly accurate tool , this model provides an important reference for calculating the production and sales of durable goods .

  19. 随着非线性理论和技术的发展,小波分析和神经网络等成为金融市场强有力的分析和预测工具。

    Along with the development of nonlinear theory and artificial intelligence , wavelet analysis and wavelet network become cogent tools for financial market analysis and forecasting .

  20. 与以前的预测工具相比,我们的新软件对大数据集的分析尤其有用,及时且具有高的准确性。

    In contrast to previous prediction tools , our new software is especially useful for the analysis of large datasets in real time with high accuracy .

  21. 在实时监测系统基础上,应用灰色预测工具,能够避免数据插值,实现快速、准确预测隧道位移发展的目的。

    With the instant displacement monitoring system and Grey-Model theory , the development of displacement of tunnel can be forecasted quickly and precisely , without any data inserted artificially .

  22. 支持向量机是基于结构风险最小化原理的一种学习技术,是一种具有很好泛化能力的预测工具,它有效地解决小样本、非线性、高维数、局部极小等问题。

    Based on structural risk minimization principal , the influences of the error penalty parameter C and the kernel parameter σ on support vector machines generalization ability are studied .

  23. 本文就近年来冠心病个体危险因素评价的常用模型及其应用情况和其他有关冠心病个体发病危险预测工具研究情况做一综述。

    This paper presents a summary of the common model evaluating the individual risk factors of CHD , the current applications of the model and the studying progress of the other tools predicting the individual risks .

  24. 在各种情况下,这些指标在经济衰退期都处于较高水平,不过测量得出的不确定性高点通常都出现在经济衰退早已发生的时候,因此作为一种预测工具这些指标并不是很有用。

    In all cases , these measures are higher during recessions , although the measured spike in uncertainty is usually when the recession itself is well under way , so this is not much help as a forecasting tool .

  25. 它会成为一种预测性工具,可能也会成为一种规定性的工具。

    It becomes a predictive tool and possibly also a prescriptive one .

  26. 经过进一步发展,还可能成为三维结构从头预测的工具。

    Under further developments , simulation may also become an important tool for ab initio structure prediction .

  27. 而与之相关的学习曲线,它作为一种预测的工具,对新产品、新工艺的导入有着不可低估的作用。

    As a predicting tool , Learning curve has important effect for new products or new process introduction .

  28. 同样的,所谓调适与进化,也都是一种相对比较温和、同时分布也比较稀薄的用于预估与预测的工具。

    In the same way , all adaptation and evolution are milder and more thinly spread apparatus for anticipation and prediction .

  29. 在接下来未来几年,可以预测金融工具的将会进一步迅猛发展,这种方法会计处理方法对上市银行的业绩的影响可能会变大趋势。

    In the next few years , we can expect that the financial instrument will be fast developed , so the listed banks performance would be heavy affected .

  30. 可作为抽样分析模拟实验系统,并可作为对各种实际的统计系统的分析、评价及预测的工具。

    It can serve as the sampling - analysis simulated experiment system , As well as the basis of analysis and evaluation and prediction of various practical statistical systems .