
  • 网络precast;prefabrication
  1. 有些软件公司售出大量的OLE对象库能够用来编制程序的预制组件。

    Some software companies sell vast libraries of OLE objects & prefabricated parts you can use to build programs .

  2. 他们都是设计建造的预制组件。

    They are both designed to be constructed from pre-fabricated components .

  3. 此外,预制组件可以很容易地拆卸的结构,如果需要被删除。

    Also , the prefabricated components can easily be disassembled if the structure needs to be removed .

  4. 对试验和官方检查的安排,包括对必要帮助和文件的提供,以及对用于所有车间预制组件所需证书的发行。

    Arranging for the tests and official inspections including provision of the necessary AIDS and documentation and the issuing of the required certificates for all shop fabricated components .

  5. 无论是30层的酒店还是220层的摩天大楼,所用预制组件都是完全一样的,差别仅表现为建筑规模不同,预制组件堆叠的高度会有相应变化。

    Whether it is a 30-storey hotel or a 220-storey skyscraper , the component pieces are all identical ; they are simply stacked higher or lower depending on the size of the building .