
  1. 针对此问题,提出使用基于绕封模型的故障特征选择方法,它采用遗传算法对特征集寻优,样本划分法进行错误率预测估计和BP神经网络学习算法进行分类。

    The approaches to the subject include : genetic algorithm for optimal feature subset selection ; k-fold cross-validation method for error rate evaluation and BP neural network for fault classification .

  2. 利用AR序列预测估计方法,实现视轴偏差预测估计,完成视轴稳定滑模变结构控制律的求取,并利用matlab仿真软件,对视轴稳定滑模变结构控制律进行数字计算。

    AR sequence prediction method was used for LOS error forecasting , and variable structure control law was worked out . Numerical computation of LOS stability VSC control law was carried out via Matlab simulation software .

  3. 提出一种有效的高速公路交通密度预测估计方法。

    An efficient method for estimating highway traffic flow is presented .

  4. 高速公路交通密度鲁棒预测估计方法

    A robust prediction estimation method for highway traffic density

  5. 物业税税基评估是对物业税计税基础的评定和预测估计。

    The property tax base assessment is assessment to property tax base and forecast .

  6. 最后用预测估计代替野值进行数据融合。

    Finally forecasted estimation takes the place of outliers , and is sent to fusion .

  7. 利用最优估计理论中常用的卡尔曼滤波方法对β系数进行实时估计和预测估计,并将其估计结果与传统的回归分析方法的估计结果进行比较。

    The Kalman filtering theory allows us to obtain the real-time estimation and the prediction estimation of the β .

  8. 通过预测估计目标下一时间可能出现的位置,再对该位置区域内出现的运动对象进行识别跟踪。

    Through forecasting to locate the moving target , then identify and track the moving objects within the location area .

  9. 罗杰斯:“一些预测估计,今年春天全美有16万教师收到了裁员通知。”

    JOHN ROGERS : " Some projections estimate that across the country , one hundred sixty thousand teachers have received layoff notices this spring . "

  10. 着重探讨了线性预测估计和非线性均值滤波两种常用背景估计技术和自适应空间滤波的形态学背景感知方法。

    We approach mostly two kinds of common background estimate techniques that include linear predictive estimating and nonlinear mean filtering , and morphological estimating algorithm for adaptive space filtering .

  11. 识别出物体以后,机器人从智能空间信息库中获取物体的属性,并运用预测估计方法确定出自身的位姿。

    Based on the recognition of objects , the service robot can retrieve their properties from information database of intelligent space , and estimate its own pose by the prediction algorithm .

  12. 从项目环境影响评价着手,对北湖大桥项目可能对环境造成的影响进行分析、预测估计,提出应对不利影响的措施和对策。

    From the project environmental impact assessment to proceed to Lake Bridge project , the possible impact on the environment analysis , forecasting , put forward to deal with the adverse effects and the countermeasures .

  13. 桥梁施工控制是指在各施工阶段通过测量关键参数识别结构的状态参数,预测估计实际结构状态,最优控制成桥状态。

    Bridge construction control means in the construction phases by measuring the key parameters to identify the structure of status parameters , the actual structure of the estimated prediction status , optimal control bridge status .

  14. 同时利用速度预测估计与实时速度估计间的偏差进行自适应方差调整,提出了改进的当前统计模型自适应滤波算法。

    The paper uses the deviation between the speed forecast estimation and the real-time speed estimation to perform adaptive variance adjustment , and proposes an improved " in current " statistical model adaptive filtering algorithm .

  15. 当控制域为凸多面体,泛函指标为正定二次型时,给出该社区居民医疗保健费用的预测估计与最佳控制表达式。

    When the controlling area is convex polytope , and the functional indicatrix is positive definite quadratic form , out come the estimation and optimum control expression on health care costs of residents in the community .

  16. 同时为了增强跟踪的稳定性,根据前两视频帧中目标的位置,使用线性预测估计当前帧中目标的可能位置。

    At the same time , in order to enhance the stability of tracking , linear prediction used to predict the possible location of track window in current frame , according to the locations in the two previous frames .

  17. 本文提出结合预测估计以及递推加权融合技术,设计出一种新的能适应网络时延的多传感器预测加权融合算法。

    Aiming at above problems , this paper combines the predictive estimate with the technology of sequential weighted fusion at the basis of the existing research , accordingly a new multisensor predictive weighted fusion method which can adapt to network-delay is proposed .

  18. 财务评估是从企业的角度,通过预测估计项目的财务效益和费用,计算财务指标,进行财务盈利能力分析和偿债能力分析,对项目产生的财务效益进行全面评估。

    From the point of view of the enterprise financial evaluations , through the financial benefit to predict and estimate project financial index calculation , cost and the financial profitability , analyzed and solvency analysis , the financial benefit of project produce comprehensive evaluation .

  19. 最后,本文将直接判决估计和预测估计相结合,并考虑了语音存在的不确定性,改进了直接判决先验信噪比估计算法,并且在预测估计中采用了软判决方法。

    Finally , a novel approach which improves the a priori SNR estimation for speech enhancement in noisy environments is proposed . The new approach combines decision-directed estimation and predicted estimation , associated with the speech presence uncertainty . The employed predicted estimation incorporates the soft-decision scheme .

  20. 他们的销售量预测纯属估计。

    Their sales projections are a total thumbsuck .

  21. 通过第3代谱数值波浪模型(SimulatingWaveNearshore,SWAN)预测和估计波浪特性。

    The prediction and estimation of wave characteristics are described by using the third generation spectral numerical wave model SWAN ( Simulating Wave Nearshore ) .

  22. 将它用于前后向线性预测谱估计,可以降低SVD分解过程的运算量。

    The number of computation for SVO will be reduced if it is applied to forward-backward linear-prediction spectrum estimator .

  23. 应用灰色理论GM(1,1)预测模型估计我国未来时段的地震趋势。

    In this paper , the seismic tendency in coming years in China is estimated by using GM ( 1,1 ) the prediction model of grey system theory .

  24. 结论:CD62P能较好地反映血小板活化程度并可较早地预测、估计TIA演变趋势;

    Conclusion CD62P is able to reflect the activation level of platelet so as to forecast the onset of TIA and to estimate its evolvement trend ;

  25. 针对其时间序列的特点,研究了ARIMA的不同模式,提出了面向特定市场的ARIMA模型,及其预测和估计方法。

    Aim at the trait of time series , investigate the different ARIMA patterns , put forward the ARIMA model and forecast and estimate aim at special market .

  26. IMF指出,新的分析显示,各国政府对于财政整固和经济增长之间取舍关系的假设过于乐观,削减支出对产出造成的损害要超过其经济预测的估计。

    The fund points to new analysis showing that governments ' assumptions about the trade-off between fiscal consolidation and growth had been too favourable , and cutbacks would do more damage to output than their economic forecasts predicted .

  27. 此外,分析了违约损失率(LGD)的影响因素,并利用影响因素进行统计方法以及组合预测方法估计。

    In addition , this article has analyzed the influencing factor of loss given default ( LGD ), and carries on the classical statistical method as well as the combination estimate method to estimate by using the influencing factor .

  28. 基于视频传输协议的预测和估计的研究

    Research on the Prediction and Estimation Based on Video Transfer Protocol

  29. 其提高了目标跟踪的预测及估计精度。

    It improves the prediction and estimation precision of target tracking .

  30. 一种累积量线性预测方位估计的快速算法

    A Fast Algorithm of DOA Estimation Based on Fourth-Order Cumulant Linear Prediction