
yù qī
  • expect;expectation;anticipate;due;look forward to
预期 [yù qī]
  • [expect;anticipate] 事先的期望

预期[yù qī]
  1. 分析家们预期股票价格将持续上涨。

    Analysts expect the share price to remain buoyant .

  2. 他们称他们预期会议对国家的未来会产生显著影响。

    They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country

  3. 今年的销售额大大超过我们的预期。

    This year 's sales figures go beyond all our expectations .

  4. 说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。

    To be fair , she behaved better than we expected .

  5. 出席会议的人数比预期的多一倍。

    Double the expected number of people came to the meeting .

  6. 我们有一个孩子,第二个预期在七月出生。

    We have one child and are expecting our second in July .

  7. 去年纳入的人数没有达到预期的要求。

    Last year 's intake just didn 't measure up .

  8. 成功之大远远超过他们的预期。

    It had been a success far beyond their expectations .

  9. 旅馆远没有他们预期的那么好。

    The hotel fell far short of their expectations .

  10. 这种药未达到预期效果。

    The medicine did not achieve the desired effect .

  11. 他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场址。

    They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year .

  12. 谈判预期在春季举行。

    It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring .

  13. 诸多社会因素左右着人的预期寿命。

    A number of social factors influence life expectancy .

  14. 出席的人数比预期的要少。

    The numbers attending fell short of expectations .

  15. 它所取得的成功远远超出了预期。

    Its success has surpassed all expectations .

  16. 说实话,这本书并没有我预期的那么好。

    The book isn 't , in all honesty , as good as I expected .

  17. 警方称反应比预期好很多。

    The police say the response has been far better than expected

  18. 想要参观她作品的人数大大超出了预期。

    The demand to see her work is much greater than expected

  19. 平均预期寿命从70岁左右降到了67岁。

    Average life expectancy went down from about 70 to 67 .

  20. 股票经纪人降低了他们的利润预期之后,股价下跌了11便士至293便士。

    Shares slid 11p to 293p after brokers downgraded their profit estimates

  21. 世界各地人类的预期寿命均有所延长。

    They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere .

  22. 这比我预期的有趣得多。

    It was much more enjoyable than I had expected .

  23. 制裁没有发挥预期的作用。

    The sanctions are not working the way they were intended

  24. 她的事业从来都没有预期的那样好。

    Her career never quite matched up to its promise .

  25. 7,000万英镑的金额是预期的两倍。

    The figure of seventy-million pounds was twice as big as expected .

  26. 工程师注意到管道并没有如预期那样膨胀。

    Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected

  27. 独立观察员说竞选比预期要公平得多。

    Independent observers say the campaign 's been very much fairer than expected

  28. 预期年底提交报告。

    The report is expected by the end of the year

  29. 康拉德·布莱克举办了一次远超人们预期的精彩聚会。

    Conrad Black gave an excellent party that surpassed expectations .

  30. 基思希望这一明显的讽刺能达到预期的效果。

    Keith hoped the obvious sarcasm would have its intended effect