
  • 网络Lascaux cave;caves of Lascaux;Lascaux
  1. 而这个烧杉之家,则是他自己在旅行中遇到的法国拉斯科洞穴发现附近的小窑洞。

    For Yakisugi House , it was the small cave dwelling found near the Caves of Lascaux in France Fujimori encountered on his own travel .

  2. 他表示,与这种学说相反,很久以后法国肖维岩洞和拉斯科洞穴等著名古迹里出现的那种栩栩如生的马等动物的图像,所需要的创意才华可能深深扎根于人类血统中。

    Instead , he said , the creative brilliance required to produce the lifelike portrayals of horses and other animals much later at famous sites like Chauvet and Lascaux in France could have particularly deep roots within the human lineage .

  3. 而且是可能你已经听说过的阿尔塔米拉及拉斯科古老艺术洞穴的2倍。

    but about twice as old as the art in the caves at Altamira or Lascaux , which you may have heard of .