
  • 网络Warranty;shelf life;Warranty period
  1. 投产后的产品是批量型生产的,并需提供具体的质量保证期。

    Here the production after design froze refers to mass production with specific warranty .

  2. 加快推行防水工程质量保证期制度

    Speed up implementation of warranty period system for waterproofing works

  3. 由于对产品品质的信心,MTC可以提供更长时间的质量保证期。

    As confidence in the quality of the product , MTC can provide a long period of quality assurance .

  4. 汽车质量保证期故障信息的可靠性分析方法

    The Reliability Analysis Methods of Automobile 's Failure Information During Quality Warranty

  5. 卖方供货范围内产品质量保证期为1年。

    1 year quality assurance period is guaranteed for products within the scope of supply of the seller .

  6. 利用维修网点的汽车质量保证期内的故障信息,对整车的可靠性进行分析评估。

    Automobile 's reliability is estimated by using the failure information during quality warranty period in this paper .

  7. 货物的质量保证期为自货物在目的港卸货完毕之日起个月。

    The guarantee period is within months after the date of the completion of unloading of the goods at the port of destination .

  8. 自货物到达目的港起12个月为质量保证期。

    The guarantee period shall be 12 ( twelve ) months staring from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination .

  9. 今后,汽车维修店必须在店内醒目位置公示机动车维修项目、工时定额、收费标准、质量保证期和监督电话。

    Besides the requirements above , according to the amendments , auto repairing store operators must show business license and motor vehicle maintenance signs in bold places .

  10. 根据中国海关的规定,如果设备是合法进口到中国的,在质量保证期内维修零部件应免除进口关税的征收。

    According to the PRC custom regulations , the import duty on service parts should be waived within the warranty period if the equipment was legally imported to China .

  11. 在质量保证期内,发运新的热水器或更换配件所产生的所有运费,装运和送达费用。联运运送包括复合运送及转船运送。

    All freight , shipping and delivery costs incurred in forwarding a new water heater to the Owner during the term of this warranty . Through transport includes multimodal and transshipment transports .

  12. 作为对模型的应用,我们结合基于软件可靠性增长模型和软件开发成本函数的两种控制方法,提出了一个具有质量保证期的商品化软件的最优发布原则。

    As an application of these models , with the help of software reliability growth model and software development cost function , we present an optimal release policy of commercial software product with warranty time . 4 .

  13. 质量保证期内卖方可提供更及时全面的服务保障,由中高动力派遣驻场服务工程师,全程进行售后服务保障工作和培训现场操作人员,由买方提供驻场服务工程师食宿。

    Within the quality assurance period , the seller can provide more timely and comprehensive service guarantee , sending on-site service engineers to carry out after-sale service guarantee and train on-site operators , while the buyer shall provide accommodation for engineers .

  14. 质量保证-期评价整个项目的执行情况,提供项目满足相关质量标准的信心。

    Quality Assurance - evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards .

  15. 供方同意对深舱货轮的设计和安装予以质量保证,保修期自深舱货轮在船坞交船日起,为期一年。

    The Supplier agrees to provide a Quality Guarantee for design and installation of DHCS within a guarantee period of one year from the dates when the DHCS are delivered at shipyard .

  16. 车间作为直接的生产单位,是提高产品质量和保证产品交货期的重要场所,车间管理系统是企业信息化的重要组成部分。

    The workshop , base of the production unit , is important to improve the production quality and ensure the delivery date .

  17. 因此,开发冷轧薄板工业的生产计划和调度系统在有效利用企业产能、提高产品质量、保证合同交货期等方面都具有重要意义。

    Therefore , developing production plan and scheduling system for cold roiling process is effective to improve product quality , increase producing ability and guarantee order due date .