
  • pledge guarantee
  1. 我国现行《担保法》首次明确规定了质押担保法律制度。

    The active Guarantee Law of our country definitely prescribes the legal system of pledge guarantee for the first time .

  2. 房屋净值信用(heloc)将需要财产质押担保的贷款。

    Home equity lines of credit ( HELOC ) will require property to be pledged as security for the loans .

  3. 第二,在担保贷款中,只有质押担保形式才为银行所认可和注重,可起到降低资金价格的作用;

    Second , only pawn can reduce the price of credit .

  4. 著作权质押担保是体现著作权经济属性的典型方式之一。

    The pledge of copyrights is a typical aspect of its economical character .

  5. 一种新型的融资担保方式&知识产权质押担保应运而生。

    A new type of financing guarantee-intellectual property right hypothecation might be of help .

  6. 同时,本论文也给出了发展动产质押担保物流金融服务的若干建议。

    At the same time , this paper also propose some suggestions about developing pledge of movable and collateral Logistics-financial service .

  7. 其次,谨慎选择质押担保方式、加强管理降低风险。

    Secondly , the way of pledge is to be selected cautiously and the management is to be strengthened to lower the risks .

  8. 知识产权质押担保是其最重要的间接利用方式之一。

    Using the theory developed by J. chinensis was successfully expressed in E. The pledge of intellectual property is one of the most important indirectly utilized ways .

  9. 在信用证业务中,提单质押担保不仅给贸易商带来了极大的方便,而且使金融资本获得了一个参与国际贸易的大好方式。

    In letter of credit business , the bill of lading hypothecation brings great convenience not only to merchants but also financial capital for participating in international trade .

  10. 如果转让并不符合这一要求,双方的交易必须转移帐户作为质押担保借款的担保品。

    If the transfer does not meet this requirement , the two parties to the transaction must account for the transfer as a secured borrowing with a pledge of collateral .

  11. 该部分指出了我国现行知识产权质押担保制度的不足,并提出了作者关于完善我国知识产权质押担保制度的几点思考。

    Some pointed out that current system of intellectual property rights secured under the pledge , and the authors on the improvement of the intellectual property system security pledge and several thoughts .

  12. 由于本研究具有可扩展性并借鉴了一般的动产质押担保贷款的研究思路和成果,将其运用到动态质押这一物流金融新研究领域。

    Because of extensibility and drawing on research ideas and results of a general pledge of movable and collateral loan , this research applies it to a new logistics-financial area & dynamic pledge .

  13. 限制出质专利权转让、许可实施,质权人对专利权利用情况缺乏知情权和对由此产生的收益缺乏控制权,对专利权质押担保乃至专利权价值的充分利用存在着风险。

    Pledgeors are deprived of the rights to know the use of patents and to control the corresponding revenue . Risks exist in the patent pledge system and limit full utilization of patent value .

  14. 近年来,随着银行业竞争的升级,各家银行不断开拓新的信贷市场,学校、医院等公益性事业单位用其收费权和账户为贷款作质押担保的情况时有发生。

    In recent years , with the upgrade of the competition among banks , each bank has been increasingly developing the credit market , and public service sectors such as schools and hospitals sometimes hypothecate the charges right and the accounts for loans .

  15. 在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。

    In the security system , the standing of the pledge of general obligation is more and more important . The right and duty of the third obligor ( the pledgor 's obligor ) remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation .

  16. 物流金融就是利用中小企业动产,如原材料、库存产品等,多余不动产的特点,同时发挥第三方物流的专业优势,开发出的一种质押担保融资业务模式。

    Logistic financing is using small and medium enterprises ' current assets , such as raw materials , inventory and so on , rather than real estate , as collateral and making use of the professional advantages of third-party logistics , to develope a pledge secured financing service .

  17. 主要涉及了股权质押所担保的债权的范围以及股权质押标的物的范围。

    Firstly , the Paper involves the secured claim Pledge range and scope of the subject matter of equity collateral .

  18. 权利质押是担保法律制度中社会财产迅速权利化和证券化的体现,是保证债权最终安全、方便、快捷实现的主要通道。

    Right 's pledge is one way to make social property existing with right and negotiable securities in guaranteed system of law .

  19. 我公司信用保险项下的贸易融资不同于过去传统意义上的抵押、质押和担保贷款,而是引入了“信用贷款”的新概念。

    Credit insurance company under the trade finance is different from the past , traditional mortgage , pledge and guarantee loans , but the concept of " credit " of the new concept .

  20. 论票据质押的权利担保与物的担保的二元性

    On Pledge of Atypical Rights The Duality of Bill Pledge

  21. 所有权转移和质押/抵押担保的同时存在是否发生冲突?

    Whether the conflict exists between transfer of title and pledge / mortgage at the same time ?

  22. 然而,全国性立法中从未使用过按揭一词,也没有对按揭制度作出明确的统一界定,尤其是与抵押、质押和让与担保界限不明。

    However , the word mortgage is still not used on the national law , andno uniform definition distinguished from guarantee lien and conveyance .

  23. 随着知识产权资本市场的发展繁荣,著作权质押这种权利担保方式日益受到各国投资者的青睐。

    With the developing of the capital markets of intellectual property , copyright pledge has been favored increasingly by the investors from all the world .

  24. 一般债权质押、浮动担保、一般债权让与担保在实践中运用广泛,均有立法必要性。

    It is necessary to bring legislation to the practical application of general liability mortgage , floating guarantee and the guarantee for the transfer of liability .

  25. 鉴于此,本文结合对政策性保险机构相关问题的阐释和分析,提出了通过建立知识产权质押融资国家担保机制来分担商业金融机构开展业务的风险。

    This combination of policy-oriented insurance agency interpretation and analysis of issues related , to proposed financing of the national pledge of intellectual property through the establishment of mechanisms to guarantee the allocation of commercial financial institutions to conduct business risks .

  26. 股权不同于一般动产,所以,股权质押作为一种担保方式,也不同于一般动产质押,而具有自己的法律特征。

    As a kind of security , the pledge of share right is different from that of movables and has its own legal characteristics .

  27. 除本质权之外,出质人未在股权上设置任何其他质押权利或其他担保权益。

    Pledgee shall have the right to dispose of and transfer the Equity Interest in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Agreement .

  28. 乙方质押券不足以担保其未到期融资回购购回义务和已到期融资回购未购回义务的履行,甲方有权按照相关业务规则进行处理。

    Provided that the pledged coupons of Party B are insufficient in guaranteeing the implementation performance of the buyback obligations of unmatured repurchase and the non-buyback obligations of matured financial repurchase , Party A shall be entitled to handle in accordance with related business rules .

  29. 股权质押作为一种权利质押担保方式,相对于不动产抵押和动产质押等担保方式来说,有其独特的优越性。

    As a way of pledge of obligation , the pledge of shares has unique advantages which the real estate mortgage and the chattel mortgage is short of .

  30. 其具体内容包括了三个方面,即著作权质押的权利范围、著作权质押所担保的债权范围、著作权质押效力所及的标的范围。

    This part mainly includes these three aspects , the scope of the property rights of copyright pledge , the scope of the secured claims of copyright pledge , and the scope of the effect of copyright pledge .