
píng diào
  • To pay homage to;visit and ponder on the past
凭吊 [píng diào]
  • [visit and ponder on the past] 面对遗迹、坟墓等怀念[古人或旧事]

  • 巴丘终命处,凭吊欲伤情。--《三国演义》

凭吊[píng diào]
  1. 他们以前每年去她的墓前凭吊两次。

    They used to visit her grave twice a year .

  2. 这个地方被保存下来,供后人凭吊纪念。

    The site was preserved as a monument for future generations .

  3. 独自凭吊已埋葬的火热的一年。

    I love to grieve for the buried riotous year .

  4. 前总统的遗体将于明天举行国葬(注:殡殓后任人凭吊,葬前供公众瞻仰)。

    The body of the former President will lie in State tomorrow .

  5. 我今朝回想起来,又一人走来凭吊。

    Having recalled it again , I went there to pay a visit .

  6. 剩下的只有被凭吊的一丝心情。

    Only pay the remaining trace of the heart .

  7. 他在突尼西亚多住了一天,以便去凭吊该区的战场。

    He stayed over an extra day in Tunisia in order to visit battlefields of that area .

  8. 来凭吊这位谱写出如此华美乐章的音乐家。

    They had come to pay their respects to the man who has written such beautiful music .

  9. 对死难者家属和亲友来说,这座纪念园将成为凭吊亡灵的地方。

    For the families and friends of the fallen , this memorial will be a place of remembrance .

  10. 值得凭吊的墓地&透视五十年代苏联文学热

    A Graveyard Worth of Visiting and Pondering on & A Profound Survey of the Craze for Soviet Literature in 1950s

  11. 凭吊洛阳、长安两京&古代城市规划传统思想探源

    Probe into Traditional Thought of Ancient Urban Planning in China ── cases study on the cities of Luoyang and Changan

  12. 每一天,一位已荣休的老防火队员都会去“零号高台”,凭吊他两个牺牲在那里的儿子。

    Every day a retired firefighter returns to Ground Zero , to feel closer to his two sons who died there .

  13. 诗歌不应该只是供我们凭吊的文化遗产,它更是后人学习语言汲取精神的宝库。

    Poem should not only be the cultural legacy for us pondering , but is the treasure-house for people learning language .

  14. 传说屈原死后,楚国百姓哀痛异常,纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。

    After his death , the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him .

  15. 和他,凭吊就此表示,他可能察觉到了神秘的上帝的儿子,慈悲与情人的,决不手软。

    And he pondered thereon , that he might perceive the mystery of the Son of God , the merciful and lover of mercy .

  16. 我开始把这样的死孤零零地死在荒野里,只有野鹰凭吊我最后的一刻想象成光荣的牺牲。

    I began to glory in the thought of such a death , alone in the desert , with the wild Eagles besieging my last moments .

  17. 当地媒体周日报道,沙龙的遗体将被安放在以色列议会大厦,以供民众凭吊。

    Local media reported on Sunday that his casket will be stationed in the Knesset ( parliament ) in order to allow the public to pay their last respect .

  18. 游走在地铁,呼吸着繁华的气息,开始一次历史凭吊与繁花似锦交叉之旅。

    So you can take a leisure trip on Metro to breathe in the flourishing air , enjoying a review of the historical prosperity and the modern splendors along the line .

  19. 据当地报纸报道,34岁的赞西被误认为死亡。上周亲朋好友在位于奎鲁的家中为其举行死者凭吊时,意外发现赞西“起死回生”。

    According to local reports , 34-year-old Zanthe , the seemingly dead man , woke up last week while friends and family prepared to pay their respects at his home in Gweru .

  20. 曼联经理弗格森爵士欢送曼城官员将于周二凭吊1958慕尼黑空难留念碑的决议。

    Sir Alex Ferguson , the Manchester United manager , has welcomed the news that Manchester City officials are to lay a wreath at the memorial to the1958 Munich air disaster on Tuesday .

  21. 在去山顶纪念碑凭吊的途中,我一边数着台阶,一边想象着当年的士兵爬到高坡,居高临下向敌人射击时的情景。

    I climbed the monument , counting the steps , and wondering as I went higher and yet higher if the soldiers had climbed this great stairway and shot at the enemy on the ground below .

  22. 他会愿意放弃名誉、荣耀、权位、职称等这些将自己朝九晚五地困在狭小的办公场所,最后积劳成疾,接受世人倍感哀荣的葬礼及凭吊吗?

    Would he give up fame , glory , power and title that confine him in the narrow office and fixed work time in which finally he fatigues to death ? Would he refuse the funeral where people mourn greatly ?

  23. 我们尽可能多地拜访各个教堂,两人一路从索尔兹伯里经林肯、达勒姆玩到约克,偶尔停下来凭吊被克伦威尔部队弃置的修道院遗址,或流连于乡间古堡的花园之间。

    We set out to visit as many cathedrals as we could , We meandered from Salisbury to Lincoln to Durham to York , pausing to explore the ruins of a monastery laid waste by Cromwell 's troops or wandering through the gardens of a great country estate .