
  1. 辛亥云南起义也在一定程度上体现了救亡与振兴的交汇,先救亡后振兴,救亡与振兴相结合的思想。

    Yunnan Insurrection embodied the thinking of Xin Hai Revolution in great degree .

  2. 剧中还提到了诸多历史事情,包括缅桂战争、红军长征、滇西抗战、云南起义等。

    The play also spoke about many things , including history of simeon : the long war , guangxi , yunnan , western yunnan resistance uprising , etc.

  3. 云南重九起义在辛亥革命中的地位

    The Place of Yunnan " Chong Jiu Uprising " in XinHai Revolutions

  4. 在他的领导下,取得了云南重九起义的胜利,为中国革命做出了贡献。

    With the leadership of him , Yunnan Double Ninth Festival Revolts have made contribution for Chinese revolution .

  5. 他领导的这次起义是反对袁世凯复辟之第一声,云南护国起义之先导,具有重要的历史意。

    It was the first sound of the opinion of anti Yuan and the forerunner of Tsai Os Yunnan anti Yuan drive .

  6. 园内还保存著云南辛亥重九起义主要领导人唐继尧的陵墓。

    Park inside still keep the mausoleum of Tang jiyai who was the main leader of Chongjiu revolution in yunnan .