
  1. 过去10年来,中国和巴基斯坦一直在合作研制雷电战斗机(JF-17,中国称为枭龙,代号FC-1),这是两国第一种联合生产的先进战机。

    Over the past decade , China and Pakistan have collaborated on building their first jointly produced advanced fighter jet , known as the JF-17 , or Thunder .

  2. 根据实际飞行仿真系统中的任务需求,以国内外先进战机座舱显示系统开发经验为基础,结合虚拟现实技术,应用专业的图形开发平台,设计完成了一套一平三下的座舱显示系统。

    According to the requirements of actual flight simulation system , based on the advanced aircraft cabin display system development experience , a virtual cockpit display system has been developed by using a Virtual Reality ( VR ) technology and professional graph development software .

  3. 但南韩还不甚满意,因为有更多更先进的战机在其邻国飞来飞去,南韩已对F-35表示关注。

    But they are not satisfied with that , and as more advanced fighter aircraft begin flying in nearby nations , Korea has become interested in the F-35 .

  4. 这不是世界上最先进的喷气战机。

    This is not the world 's most advanced fighter jet .

  5. 考虑到中国军事实力不断提升、朝鲜可能进行的打击,美方甚至暗示,它会向日本出售先进的F-22隐形战机(尽管稍后改口了)。

    And with a view as much towards Chinas military rise as the North Korean threat , America even hinted it might sell Japan the advanced F-22 Raptor stealth fighter ( though it later backtracked ) .