
  1. 浏阳游击队同敌人进行过多次战斗,李贞经过了生与死的考验。

    Liuyang guerrilla fighting with the enemy several times , Li Zhen after the test of life and death .

  2. 战斗记录已经经过改进了,它允许使用更多,功能更强大的战斗过滤器,包括为敌人和朋友自定义颜色,以及为自己和他人自定义过滤器。

    The combat log has undergone improvements that allow more robust combat filtering including the ability to define custom colors for enemies and friends as well as combat filtering for self and others .

  3. 但是,经济力量并不等于就是军事力量和战斗力,要把经济力量变为军队的战斗力还要经过一系列的转化过程。

    But , economic power is not military power and fighting power . It must pass through a series of process to transform economic power into fighting power of army .