
  • 网络strategic concept;strategic thinking
  1. 重庆市合川区高校空间布局战略构想

    Strategic Concept on Space Layout of Universities in Hechuan District of Chongqing

  2. 中国长城保护与利用协调发展的战略构想

    The Strategic Concept on Coordinated Development between the Protection and Development of the Great Wall

  3. 中小企业深化CAD技术应用的战略构想

    The Strategical Conception of Improving the Application of CAD Technology in Small-medium Enterprises

  4. 并采用SWOT分析法进行详细的对比分析,从而制定了鞍钢国际营销的战略构想。并提出了为保证战略实施而采取的相应策略。

    And it makes very detailed contrast SWOT analysis , so as to formulate the strategic plan of Angang 's international market .

  5. 分析武汉新区旅游业发展的SWOT,提出新区旅游资源深度开发与整合的战略构想。

    Analysing the SWOT of the tourism development in the new developed area of Wuhan , put forward conceiving about the systemic conformity and deep exploitation of tourism resource .

  6. 本文分析了中国加入WTO后江西省的教育人才培养现况,提出了在新世纪全方位开发、维护和引进教育资源,加速培养人才的战略构想。

    This paper analyses the status quo of fostering of education talents of Jiangxi province after China entered WTO and puts forward the strategic tentative ideas of fully developing 、 defending and introducing education resource in the new century to quicken the fostering of talents .

  7. 第五章:KD公司组织结构的未来发展趋势。研究结论分为两部分,一是在对KD公司前四次组织结构变革的进行总结的基础上,提出公司在未来一段时期的战略构想。

    Chapter five is about some suggestions of the future to the KD Company 's organizational structure , and it suggests that the KD Company could develop the new organizational structures : the Learning Organization and the Virtual Enterprises .

  8. 黄河经济带可持续发展的战略构想

    Strategic Thinking of Sustainable Development in the Yellow River Economic Zone

  9. 第五章提出了财政货币政策协调运用的战略构想和现实抉择。

    Chapter Five is anenst the strategic suggestions and realizable choices .

  10. 滨海新区实现科学发展的战略构想

    The Strategic Design for Binhai New Area to Realize Scientific Development

  11. 水利产业资本市场培育的战略构想

    Strategic thoughts of cultivation of capital market for water resources industry

  12. 建设海峡经济区的战略构想

    The Strategic Plan of the Construction of the Straits Economic Zone

  13. 东北三省经济合作的战略构想

    Strategic Idea of Economic Cooperation of Three Provinces in Northeast China

  14. 江苏省文化产业发展战略构想

    The Strategic Thinking of the Development of Jiangsu 's Cultural Industries

  15. 科学发展观与文化经济战略构想

    The Scientific Concept of Development and Conceive of Cultural Economy Strategy

  16. 提出了郑州市都市农业发展的战略构想和方略对策。

    The countermeasures for the urban agriculture development was put forward .

  17. 东北老工业基地国有工业企业改造的战略构想

    The Strategy of Restructuring State-owned Enterprises in Old Northeast Industrial Bases

  18. 以生态建设为主体的新林业发展战略构想

    Strategic Blueprint for New Forestry Development with Ecological Construction as Mainstay

  19. 中国跨国公司发展的理论探讨与战略构想

    Theory Discussion and Strategic Proposition on the Development of Chinese Trans-corporations

  20. 论中华民族共有精神家园建设的战略构想

    On Strategic Assumption of Building Chinese Nation 's Co-possession Spirit Homestead

  21. 构筑区域科技高地引领支撑经济发展&关于天津构筑科技高地的战略构想

    Construct Highland of Regional Science & Technology Lead and Sustain Economic Development

  22. 西部开发的优劣势及进一步开发的战略构想

    On the Development The Advantages and Dis advantages in the West Development

  23. 铁路给水发展的战略构想

    A Strategic Proposition of the Development of Water Supply Industry of Railways

  24. 日本义务教育结构改革的战略构想与行动计划

    The Idea and Plan about Structural Reformation of Compulsory Education in Japan

  25. 军队继续医学教育发展战略构想

    The project of developing strategy for continuing medical education in the army

  26. 云南省土地开发整理战略构想

    Thoughts on the strategy of land consolidation and rehabilitation in Yunnan Province

  27. 粤西海洋资源开发及产业化战略构想

    Strategy for Developing and Industrializing Ocean Resources in West Guangdong

  28. 中国木材科学发展战略构想

    Some Tentative Ideas on the Development Strategy of Wood Science in China

  29. 加强国土资源综合调查评价的战略构想

    Strategic visions for comprehensive survey and assessment of territorial resources

  30. 福建省三明市旅游深度开发战略构想

    Strategic Design About the Deep Tourist Development of Sanming City in Fujian