
  1. 当前战略业绩评价的一种理想的思路是运用平衡计分卡作为基本的分析框架,融合其他管理工具的一些优点,如EVA。

    One of the ideal methods for strategic performance evaluation is to use BSC as a basic framework , integrating with some traits of other tools .

  2. 全文以价值创造战略业绩评价为主线索,着力解决为什么EVA综合计分卡有利于驱动价值创造以及如何建立EVA综合计分卡两个问题。

    The dissertation is based on the clue of value - driven 、 strategy and performance evaluation system , and aims to resolve why is EVA Balanced Scorecard and how to build it .

  3. 构建我国企业的战略业绩评价系统初探

    Preliminary Thinking on Structuring Strategic Performance Evaluating System of State-owned Enterprises

  4. 基于供应链管理的企业战略业绩评价指标体系

    Index system of strategic performance evaluating based on supply chain management

  5. 建立战略业绩评价指标体系的基本思路

    A Frame for the Construction of Performance Evaluation Index System

  6. 战略业绩评价机制的施行需要借助于合适的管理工具。

    Strategic performance evaluation mechanism needs suitable management tools to help implementation .

  7. 企业战略业绩评价指标系统选择的主要影响变量

    Main Effect Variable on Indicator System Choice of Enterprise Strategy Performance Evaluation

  8. 新经济时期企业战略业绩评价指标体系的设立

    Establishment of Index System of Strategic Business Performance Evaluation in New Economic Period

  9. 第三,战略业绩评价体系中的业绩目标、评价标准以及指标体系应该以一种什么样的逻辑机理来设立?

    What is the logical mechanism to design the performance goals , measurement standards and index sign ?

  10. 对二者关系的探讨,构成了战略业绩评价机制的基础。企业需要根据需要和条件建立战略业绩评价系统,形成自己的战略业绩评价机制。

    Based on the interrelation , strategic performance evaluation mechanism has to be built up in light of corporate needs and conditions .

  11. 最后根据分析得出加强我国油公司战略业绩评价的对策和建议。

    At last , obtains the countermeasures and the suggestions of strengthen our country Petroleum Companies ' strategy achievement appraisal according to the analysis .

  12. 经济增加值与平衡记分法两个战略业绩评价系统是在传统业绩评价系统基础上发展而来的。

    The EVA ( economic value added ) and BSC ( balance score card ) are two kind of strategic performance evaluation systems that are developed on basis of traditional ones .

  13. 构建企业战略业绩评价系统的理论基础是代理理论,其现实作用在于强化企业战略管理,实现企业的战略目标。

    Agent Theory is the basic theory of structuring enterprise strategic performance evaluating system . The practical role of this system is strengthening strategic management and realizing strategic object of enterprises .

  14. 目前,企业战略业绩评价体系已成为理论界与实务界的研究热点,企业战略业绩评价指标体系是战略业绩评价体系的核心部分。

    The study of enterprise strategic performance evaluation becomes a hot spot in practical and theoretical research . The strategic performance evaluation index system is the core of the strategic performance evaluation system .

  15. 首先对西方国家当前流行的战略业绩评价系统加以分类论述,并得出了两个结论,一是评价系统的适用性原则,二是平衡计分卡相对于其他的评价方法而言是最好的战略业绩评价方法。

    At first it discusses the current corporate performance evaluation methods respectively abroad . After commenting on the above methods , I make two conclusions : one is the applicable principle of evaluation system ;

  16. 第三部分首先介绍了战略业绩评价的基本思路和构成要素,并对企业战略业绩评价的指标进行了选取,最后设计了基于企业生命周期的战略业绩评价体系。

    The third part firstly introduces the basic ideas and fundamental factors of strategic performance evaluation , and then selects indexes for enterprise strategy performance evaluation , finally , designs a set of strategic performance evaluation system based on enterprise life cycle .

  17. 接着,分析比较了传统的业绩评价体系、EVA体系和BSC体系,指出了其存在的优缺点,在此基础上构建了基于企业战略的业绩评价体系。

    Then , analyzed and compared the traditional performance evaluation system , EVA system and the BSC system , and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of them , on this basis to build a strategic performance evaluation system .

  18. 高技术企业战略经营业绩评价决策支持系统

    Structure of Decision Support System on Evaluating Strategic Achievement of High-tech Enterprises

  19. 第二,阐述上市公司战略经营业绩评价的基本理论,并探讨其对我国上市公司的现实意义;

    Secondly , it expounds the basic theories of the strategic performance evaluation of listed companies .

  20. 循环经济下企业战略经营业绩评价指标体系设置&以有色金属铜业为例

    On the Setup of Business Strategic Performance Evaluation Index System under Circular Economy : Taking Copper Industry as an Example

  21. 第三,借助本文建立的上市公司战略经营业绩评价方法,对我国沪、深两市电器机械及器材制造业上市公司进行了实证排名,并对该行业进行了评价。

    Thirdly , by using the system of evaluation , the paper makes a rank to the Chinese listed companies in the manufacturing industry of electronical machine and equipment .

  22. 电力行业存在一定的自然垄断性,随着电力行业市场化改革的深入推进、现代企业制度建设的逐步完善,企业战略经营业绩评价成为电力企业内部管理的一项重要手段。

    The power industry is a kind of natural monopoly in some certain degree , with the modern enterprises institution and the market reform of power industry improvement thoroughly , strategic achievement evaluation become an important means of management .

  23. 论战略成本管理业绩评价体系的构建

    On the Construction of Performance Appraisal System for Strategic Cost Management

  24. 第五章分析了战略成本管理业绩评价。

    Chapter Five explains achievement appraising of strategic cost management .

  25. 战略地图在业绩评价中的有用性检验

    Judgmental Effects of Using Strategy Maps in Performance Evaluation

  26. 基于战略管理的业绩评价体系

    Achievements Evaluation System in View of Strategic Management

  27. 第五部分战略成本管理业绩评价是对战略成本管理工作的自我检查和评估。

    In Part 5 , evaluation of outstanding achievements of SCM means self-examination and self-assessment of SCM work .

  28. 最后,本文就海南航空公司的财务战略实施、业绩评价和战略调整提供了一系列的建议。

    Finally , this text puts for the financial strategy of hainan airline into practice , the accomplishment adjusted provide a series of suggestion with the strategy .

  29. 第一章明确研究企业环境战略管理及业绩评价体系的背景及其理论和现实意义,并提出本文研究的主要内容。

    Chapter one mainly specified the background and its theoretical and practical significance of studying enterprise environmental performance evaluation system , as well as the main content of the paper .

  30. 我国中小型饭店要想在激烈的竞争中生存下去,就必须建立起一个能准确反映其经济信息和战略导向的业绩评价体系,来不断修正其经营管理措施,正确引导经营者的行为。

    If the medium and small sized hotels want to survive in severe competition , they must establish a performance evaluation system that can reflect accurately the economic information and strategic direction to correct the measures of management and guide managers behavior correctly .