
quán zé
  • power and responsibility;rights and duties
权责 [quán zé]
  • [power and responsibility] 权利与职责

  1. 地方财政体制权责不对称问题研究

    Research on Asymmetrical Power and responsibility in Local Fiscal System

  2. 权责衡平:董事注意义务&经营判断原则关系论

    Balance of Power and Responsibility : Director 's Duty of Care-Management Judgment Principle

  3. 第五条本企业应当根据权责发生制的原则记账

    Article 5 The company employ the Accrual Basis Accounting principle .

  4. 本文从探讨BOT特许经营协议的概念和性质入手,对BOT特许协议中政府的权责及其履行问题进行了系统分析。

    The essay mainly stresses on the governmental liabilities in BOT concession agreement and its performance , upon the base of analyzing the concept and essence of BOT concession agreement .

  5. 本论文分析ERP系统应用中的组织管理模式趋同效果,包括(1)ERP应用提高了企业的权责透明性,使得隐含在岗位内部的权力显现化;

    The convergence effects of organization management mode in the ERP system application are as follows : ( 1 ) . the implementation of ERP system in enterprise carries out the convergence of the responsibility mode , and raises transparence of the organization power .

  6. 本文采用了WBS和甘特图等计划工具,对改版项目的任务进行了分解,对具体任务进行了责任分配以达到权责相符,对计划的结果进行了合理的优化。

    The paper uses the WBS and Gantt Chart planning tool to decompose the task of revised project , carried out specific tasks on the allocation of responsibilities to achieve the rights and responsibilities in line with the results of a reasonable optimization .

  7. 而权责发生制并不关注现金流量,而是看重收益。

    The former emphasizes profit and ignores the flow of cash .

  8. 权责发生制原则在实际运用中的几个问题

    Problems on the principle of rights and responsibility in the practice

  9. 立法明确心理咨询与心理治疗的权责所在。

    To define the obligation of consultation and psychotherapy by legislation .

  10. 权责不清,缺乏动力;

    Power and duty are not clear , lack of motivation ;

  11. 中职生公民权责教育初探

    Preliminary investigation on citizenship education for students of vocational high schools

  12. 合理分配董事与经理的权责。

    Rationally allocate the liabilities and rights between directors and managers .

  13. 从当前来看,应尽快建立健全统一协调、权责明晰的监管体系,促进食品安全水平的全面提高。

    In order to improve the level of food security .

  14. 权责发生制与收付实现制的选择

    The Choice between the Right-Responsibility Generation System and the Debit-Credit Realization System

  15. 论我国独立董事的产生机制及其权责匹配

    On the Production Mechanism of the Independent Director and the Right-Responsibility Match

  16. 委员会或小组之设置及其组织与权责。

    The setting up of subcommittees and ad hoc committees .

  17. 通常我们选择权责发生制当我们工作时。

    Generally we choose the accrual basis when we work .

  18. 关于行政事业单位会计运用权责发生制的思考

    Ponder on the Application of Accrual System in Administrative and Public Accounting

  19. 家庭和家务权责平等

    Equality of rights and responsibilities in the family and home

  20. 权责发生制的引入应采用循序渐进的步骤。

    The introduction of accrual accounting should be adopted step by step .

  21. 政府会计确认基础与权责发生制预算改革的思考

    Reconsideration about Governmental Accounting Basis and Accrual Basis Budgeting Reformation

  22. 技术社会角色的三个类别及权责体现

    Three Sorts of Social Role of Technology and Their Rights and Responsibilities

  23. 构建权责明晰的食品安全监管体系

    Building the Inspection System of Authority and Responsibility of China 's Food Security

  24. 以权责发生制(应计)为基础的利润被普遍认为比现金流更有分析价值。

    Accrual-based earning is considered superior to cash flows .

  25. 我有指挥他们的权责。

    It belongs to me to dictate to them .

  26. 没有已知的或合法权责的父亲。

    Not having a known or legally responsible father .

  27. 定义出文件控制的要求和权责。

    Define the requirements and responsibilities for Document control .

  28. 危机管理中多元参与主体的权责机制分析

    The Analysis about the Power-responsibility Mechanism of Multiple Participators in the Crisis Management

  29. 在内部治理结构的重构上则要建立大学内部权责划分的制约机制;

    Reconstruction from inside : establish restrict system of internal responsibility and authority ;

  30. 三是要实行统一权责管理;

    Third , to apply an unified management system with rights and responsibilities ;