
  • 网络a bundle of rights
  1. 学习权作为一个权利束,由学习自由权、学习条件保障权和个性发展权三大类权利构成。

    Learning right , as a bundle of rights , composes of Free Learning , Learning Condition Guarantee , and Individuality Development .

  2. 这一持续的实际控制权是一组排他性使用和处置企业稀缺资源的权利束,可分为资本控制权、人事控制权、市场控制权、核心技术控制权、文化控制权。

    The sustained effective controls are a bundle of rights of exclusive over the use and disposal of scarce resources , which can be divided into capital control , human resources control , market control , core technology control and cultural control .

  3. 对基于权利束分离城市土地金融之思考

    Research on Urban Land Finance Based on Segregation of Land Rights

  4. 利用产权理论提出新的产权权利束作为公司化运营的理论依据;

    Using the Property Right Theory to propose a new property right bunch as the theoretical basis of corporation operation ;

  5. 农村集体建设用地市场化最大的障碍就是土地所有者的各种权利束不完整引致的。

    The biggest obstacle of the marketing of rural collective construction land is due to incomplete rights bundles of land owners .

  6. 产权是一组权利束,是由使用权、收益权和处置权构成的。

    Property right is actually a group of rights , including right to use , right to benefit and right of disposal .

  7. 以股东权权利束的角度构造表决权权利本体,应当是一个前提性的课程。

    The creation of the entity of shareholder voting rights from the perspective of shareholder " rights bouquet " should be the precondition to be studied .

  8. 首先界定了水权这一权利束的内涵,指出使用权、经营权是实际水权的主体,也是水权交易的主要对象。

    Define the intension of bunch right ( water rights ), point out the usufruct is the subject of water rights and the main target of water rights trade too .

  9. 合理的安排高速公路产权也就是要将高速公路产权权利束中的各种权利按市场经济规律合理分配给各利益主体。

    Freeway reasonable arrangements for property rights is to freeway property rights " right bundle " of rights according to laws of the market economy to the rational allocation of interest .

  10. 农村集体土地产权是一组权利束,在我国现行农村集体土地产权制度中,土地所有权和土地使用权构成土地产权制度的主要内容。

    The rural collective land property is a whole series of properties . Land proprietary rights and land use rights are the primary content of rural collective land property system currently in China .

  11. 本文重点研究我国农用地产权制度问题,产权体系是一系列权利束的组合,最终形成产权结构、产权制度。

    The dissertation mainly introduces China 's farmland property right systems , the system of property rights is a combination of several bundles of rights , and finally forms the property right construction and institution .

  12. 环境产权是从制度角度界定自然环境和生态环境的权利束。包括物质经济、非物质经济和环境经济在内的“立体经济论”是其存在的理论基础。

    The environmental equity limits the right of natural environment and ecological environment from the angle of system ," Stereoeconomic theory " is the theoretical base complete with material economy , non-material economy and environmental economy .

  13. 人力资本产权是一组权利束,包括人力资本所有权、支配权、处置权、使用权和收益权等。

    The property right is a cluster of rights , including the right of ownership of human capital , the right of disposal , the right of control , the right of use , and the right of revenue .

  14. 但是,目前它仍然不是一种独立的物种类,而是包括一类用益物权的权利束。

    However , it is not absolutely a style of right of property but a bunch of rights including several right to the use of real property , so the point of this article is to make the right definitely and exactly .

  15. 劳动力产权是一组权利束,资本主义国家的雇佣劳动制度造成了劳动力产权的残缺,资本家的剥削收入来自对雇佣工人劳动力所有权收入的侵蚀。

    The labor property rights are consisted of an array of rights . The system of employment in the countries of capitalism brought about the imperfection of the labor property rights , and the income of capitalist was taken from the exploitation to the employee .

  16. 文章认为,公民受教育权利是权利束而非单一的权利,因而特点较突出,但因教育法律法规本身的缺陷及其它原因而易受侵犯。

    The right to education is not a single right but a bunch of rights , composed of many sub rights . Though its characteristic is very distinct , it is apt to be aggrieved because of the limitation of educational laws and regulations .

  17. 通过对产权概念的阐释和产权理论演变的考察,认为产权是一多种权利构成的权利束,所有权与产权共同构成对现实产权变迁的完整解释;

    Property right has diversity and can be dismembered through the explanation of concept and review of theory .

  18. 个人信息权利是一个权利束,它以个人信息为客体,是信息社会中新生的公民应有权利。

    I believe that the right of personal information is there , and expressed as a bundle of right . It is new civil rights which citizens should have in the information society .

  19. 在形式上它不再是单一的国家教育权,而是由学校、教师、家长、儿童和社会力量等各种教育行为主体的权力和权利所构成的权利束。

    In form , it is not only the educational rights of the country , but the rights group combined together by the power and rights of all the behavior subjects including schools , teachers , parents , children and social communities .

  20. 语言权是一系列权利的总和,是权利束,而不是单一的权利。

    Language rights are a bundle of rights , not a single right .

  21. 信息权利是一个以信息为客体的法律权利束,作为一个权利类型具有解释性和制度性的双重功能优势。

    The information right is a bunch of rights whose objects are information . As a new type of legal right , the information right has functional advantages of interpretation and institution .