
  1. 独立型知识分子以“思想自由,远离权力”为人格的外部特征;

    Independent intellectual is a typical case of " thought liberty , depart from power " .

  2. 行政权力是公民人格权以契约的形式聚合而形成,公民权利和宪法下的行政职权分别构成行政法的逻辑原点和逻辑起点。

    Therefore , freemen ' right and administrative power within the purview of Constitution are respectively the logical origin and starting point of administrative law .

  3. 随着社会的发展进步,思想政治工作中的智慧和品格交融的非权力因素即人格力量的影响愈来愈显示出其重要的作用。

    With the development of the society , non-right factor , also personality power of the political thoughts which blend wisdom and personality has shown great effect .

  4. 地方政府在此领域内,出于自身的利益诉求,有可能通过非正式权力运作,运用人格化交易、事前求助、事后追认等策略方式,推进民办高等教育的发展。

    According to its needs of interest , local government may make use of personalized trading , seeking help in anticipation , and subsequent confirming to advance the development of private higher education by operation of informal power .

  5. 女大学生就业是女大学生参与社会经济发展的基本形式,是其获得与男性享有平等权力,拥有独立人格的重要条件,女大学生的生存状况始终与国家的经济发展息息相关。

    The female college students of employment is basic form about they take part in socioeconomic development , who obtain the same power with male student . It is significant condition that the female college students own their independent personality .

  6. 企业组织中的权力既可以来源于法律、法规和组织规章的规定,也可以来源于权力拥有者的人格魅力,以及组织中人与人之间的依赖关系;

    Power in business organizations may come from laws and regulations as well as attractive personality of those in power and interdependency between individuals within an organization .