
  • 网络Strategic Trade Policy;strategic policy
  1. 该文就战略性贸易政策理论及日本的实践作分析,同时给我国加入WTO后的贸易发展以启示。

    Strategic Trade Policy theory and its practice in Japan are analyzed in this paper . So it can enlighten China improving trade after China joined WTO .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,在世贸框架约束下研发补贴是当前我国运用战略性贸易政策工具的现实选择。

    After China 's entry into WTO , under the framework of WTO , RD subsidy is the practical choice of the government to implement the strategic trade policy .

  3. 在本文的最后,围绕WTO的有关规则提出了政策建议和风险投资、创业投资资金等政府导向的创新型战略性贸易政策工具。

    In the last , this thesis puts forward the relevant policy suggestions according to WTO rules , and raises up the innovative strategic trade policy tools such as venture investment and venture investment funds guided by the government .

  4. 因此,各国纷纷把生物医药产业作为战略产业来扶持,创造其竞争优势,各国实行这种政策的理论基础就是战略性贸易政策。

    The policies of supporting were based on strategic trading policy .

  5. 中国实施战略性贸易政策的分析研究

    The Analytical Research on Implementing the Strategic Trade Policy in China

  6. 论中国实施战略性贸易政策的必要性及可能性

    On necessity and possibility of implementing strategic trade policy in China

  7. 论战略性贸易政策的理论基础与方法体系

    On theoretical base and analytical method of the strategic trade policy

  8. 第二章简略的阐述了战略性贸易政策的主要内容。

    The second chapter expounds the main contents of this policy .

  9. 战略性贸易政策:发达国家与发展中国家的博弈

    Strategic Trade Policy : the Game between Developed and Developing Countries

  10. 浅析中国高技术产业的战略性贸易政策

    An Analysis of the Strategic Trade Policy of Chinese High-tech Industry

  11. 国际R&D竞争、资本结构与战略性贸易政策

    International R & D Rivalry , Capital Structure and Strategic Trade Policy

  12. 战略性贸易政策下的关税保护理论与实证分析

    Tariff Protection Theory and Positive Analysis in St rate gie Trade Policy

  13. 战略性贸易政策及其适用条件评述

    A Review of Strategic Trade Policies and the Conditions for the Implementation

  14. 保护幼稚产业理论与战略性贸易政策理论比较

    Comparison of the infant industry protecting theory and the strategic trade policy theory

  15. 日、韩战略性贸易政策对中国的启示:以汽车工业为例

    Enlightenment of Applying Strategic Trade Policy in Automobile Industry by Japan and Korea

  16. 我国战略性贸易政策的目标产业选择

    Discussion on the Object Industry Selection of Our Country 's Strategical Trade Policy

  17. 战略性贸易政策论预期违约

    Strategic Trade Policy Theory On expected breach of contract

  18. 本论文选择我国汽车产业作为战略性贸易政策应用的产业。

    This article chooses Chinese Automobile Industry as Strategic Trade Policy applying for .

  19. 韩国比较优势战略性贸易政策的探讨

    On the Korean Compare Superiority Strategic Trade Policy

  20. 首先,对战略性贸易政策产生的背景以及理论进行回顾;

    Firstly , it reviews the background and content of Strategic Trade Policy theory ;

  21. 战略性贸易政策:新世纪对外贸易政策的发展趋势

    A Tendency for the Development of the Foreign Trade Policy in the New Century

  22. 战略性贸易政策理论述评

    Comments on the theory of strategic trade policy

  23. 论战略性贸易政策

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Strategic Trade Policy

  24. 第四章介绍了美国应用战略性贸易政策理论的成功经验。

    Chapter 4 introduces the successful experience of America applying the Strategic Trade Policy .

  25. 文章最后还对应该如何适当应用战略性贸易政策的问题提出了政策建议。

    At last the author take up the advices on applying strategic trade policies .

  26. 世界贸易组织贸易救济措施与战略性贸易政策

    Trade Remedies of WTO and Strategic Trade Policy

  27. 本文从两个条件出发,对战略性贸易政策在中国的战略性产业选择问题做了探讨。

    This essay probe strategic trade policies and choice of strategic industry in China .

  28. 战略性贸易政策与日美贸易摩擦

    Strategic Trade Policy and Japan-U.S. Trade Frictions

  29. 我国钢铁行业实施战略性贸易政策适用性的经验验证

    Strategic Policies for the China Iron Industry

  30. 总体说来,战略性贸易政策的实施条件在中国的某些行业已基本具备,并且该政策在我国具有良好的应用前景。

    Generally in China some industry , it is impossible to apply the strategic trade policies .