
  • 网络Evolutionary game theory
  1. 基于进化博弈理论视角的农户群体退耕行为分析

    Farmer Household 's Behavior of Conversion Cropland Based on Evolutionary Game Theory

  2. 进化博弈理论方法与房地产市场诚信问题研究

    The Method of Evolutionary Game Theory and the Research of Trust in Real-estate Market

  3. 本文应用进化博弈理论对统计信息失真现象进行分析。

    This paper analysis the distortion of statistical information by use of evolutionary game theory .

  4. 注册会计师审计的生物进化博弈理论

    The Evolution Eame Theory of CPA Auditing

  5. 有限理性条件下的进化博弈理论

    Evolutionary Game Theory Under Bounded Rationality

  6. 进化博弈理论把博弈论分析和动态进化过程结合起来,是目前经济学领域的前沿理论。

    Evolutionary game theroy that links game theory with dynamic evolution is the frontier theory in the economic field .

  7. 进化博弈理论对传统博弈论做出了改进,它能够对群体行为随着时间的推移提供动态描述。

    Evolutionary game theory improves upon traditional game theory by providing a dynamics describing how the population will change over time .

  8. 本文以进化博弈理论为工具,对我国的渐进式改革进行了分析,试图尽量清楚地阐释上述两个问题。

    In this paper , evolution game theory is applied to analyze the gradual reformation in order to give enough study on the two issues .

  9. 介绍进化博弈理论的基本动态模型:对称博弈模仿者动态模型和非对称博弈模仿者动态模型及其相关结论。

    This paper mainly introduces the basic dynamic models of evolutionary game theory : symmetric replicator dynamic model , asymmetric replicator dynamic model and some conclusions .

  10. 运用进化博弈理论建立了存在腐败的煤矿安全监察模型,对存在腐败的煤矿安全监察的稳定状态进行了分析。

    Evolution game theory is adopted to build the model of coal mine safety supervision with corruption , the stability condition of mine safety supervision with corruption is analyzed .

  11. 介绍了进化博弈理论的发展历程与基本思想,并采用进化博弈论的思想对电力市场发电报价过程进行了建模和求解。

    Evolutionary game theory and its developing process are introduced , and the model about the bidding process in power market is established and solved by using evolutionary game theory .

  12. 在投资者异质性和有限理性假设基础上,基于进化博弈理论的经典模型-鹰鸽博弈模型,对证券投资者行为的进化均衡问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the hypothesis of heterogeneous and bounded rationality , this dissertation discusses the evolutionary problem of noise traders in long run through classics hawk-dove model in evolutionary game theory .

  13. 分无机制约束的共生耦合机制和引入激励与约束机制的共生耦合机制进行研究,研究过程中,采用的分析工具是动态进化博弈理论。

    Points without constraint symbiotic coupling mechanism and the incentive and restraint mechanisms of symbiotic coupling mechanism research , research process , USES the analysis tool is the dynamic evolutionary game theory .

  14. 第一部分是前言,主要讲述进化博弈理论的发展及国内外研究概况和本文主要研究的内容。

    The first part is foreword . We mainly illustrate the development of evolutionary game theory , the research survey in home and abroad and the leading contents of research in the text .

  15. 第八章在进行退耕还林工程利益相关者分析的基础上,引入经典博弈理论和进化博弈理论对农户参与退耕还林行为选择机理做进一步分析。

    Chapter Eight further examines the mechanism options for the households , introducing the classical game theory and the evolutionary game theory , on the basis of the analysis of stakeholders in the program .

  16. 进化博弈理论,顾名思义,是由生物学中关于进化思想与博弈理论交叉而形成的一个新分支领域,首先出现在生物学中。

    Evolutionary game theory , just as its name implies , is a new branch field , which was formed for biology with respect to the idea of evolution intersected game theory . It first appeared biology .

  17. 本文以进化博弈理论为基石,结合合作博弈理论,研究寡占市场格局下在电力市场竞价上网过程中发电商的不同价格策略行为,求解市场竞争的均衡结果。

    The paper takes evolutionary game theory as the foundation and combines cooperate game theory and pays attention to different price strategies of generators in power market with monopolistic market structure in order to find out the equilibrium result of market competition .

  18. 第三部分对进化博弈论的理论和应用价值,以及进化博弈论的发展前景作了总结和讨论。

    The third part surveys the theory and practice value of evolutionary game theory , and discusses its prosperity of developement .

  19. 本文在阐释进化博弈论基本理论的基础上,运用它对非正式制度的形成与发展作了粗浅的分析。

    On such a basis , it uses this theory to make a brief analysis of the formation and development of an informal institution .