
  1. 从供给方面来看,假定个人行为是遵循效用最大化原则。

    On the supply side , individuals are assumed to operate on the principle of utility maximization .

  2. 第二步是数量与选择行为,消费者依据约束条件下的效用最大化原则进行数量选择。将这两方面结合起来,可以重新构建品牌经济时代较为完整的消费者选择理论。

    Second step is to analyze quantity and the choice behavior under the hypothesis of maximization of the utility .

  3. 在外环控制速率分配的基础上,内环系统根据系统效用最大化原则分配功率;

    Based on the rate allocation achieved by the outer loop , the inner loop allocated power to guarantee the maximum system utility .

  4. 农民工是理性的经济人,他们按照收益最大化或效用最大化原则来决定自己的转移行为。

    Migrant worker is likened to be reasonable economic individual , which always decide their migration according to the principle of income and utility maxims .

  5. 设租行为产生租金的供给,寻租行为产生租金的需求,供求双方在带有风险性的租金市场上进行交易时,遵循效用最大化原则。

    Rent setting makes supply of rent , rent seeking makes demand of rent , both the two sides follow the principle of utility maximization while doing venture business with each other .

  6. 然后以参与交易的用户选择行动的效用最大化为原则,基于多阶段模型,分析不同阶段交易双方的行动策略。

    And then according to the principle of the maximize the effectiveness of the users ' action involved in the transaction , based on the multi-stage model , it analyzed the actions strategies of both sides in different stages of trade .