
xiào ɡuǒ lǜ
  • law of effect
  1. 效果律对英语习得错误纠正的指导作用

    Guiding Function of the Law of Effect in Error Correction of Study English

  2. 你所要做的就是,应用效果律,强化这头猪做出的令你满意的行为。

    And so what you want to do , basically drawing upon the law of effect , is reinforce the pig for doing good things .

  3. 修辞学的规律可以概括为四条:选择律、互动律、适应律、效果律。

    Summarily , rhetoric falls into the four laws of selection , interdynamics , adaptation and effect .

  4. 效果律说明单纯的实践并不能产生联结,刺激和反应的联结必须跟随着结果或者效果。

    The Law of Effect states that practice alone will not generate an association : the pairing of stimulus with response must be followed by a consequent , or effect .

  5. 这种行为上的变化被称之为效果律,也就是说,行为倾向随奖励而增加,随惩罚而减少。

    So this could be summarized as the law of effect , which is a tendency to perform an action 's increased if rewarded , weakened if it 's not .

  6. 更一般的来讲,乔姆斯基认为应用在人类身上的效果律,要么是无效且毫无意义的正确假说,要么就是稳定且明显的错误假说。

    More generally , Chomsky suggests that the law of effect when applied to humans is either trivially true , trivially or uninterestingly true , or scientifically robust and obviously false .