
  1. 一只猫正在门后面吃东西。

    A cat is eating behind the door .

  2. 一个流浪汉来到门前讨饭吃。

    A tramp came to the door and asked for food .

  3. 有人敲办公室的门,艾玛特林纳吃了一惊,抬起头来,才发现外面天已黑了。

    When a knock sounded on her office door , Alma triner looked up , startled & and noticed that it was dark outside .

  4. 在意大利佛罗伦萨的教堂和公共建筑附近吃喝会被罚款2018年,佛罗伦萨市立法禁止人们在历史中心停下来站着吃东西或坐在人行道、马路上及商店和房屋的门前台阶上吃东西。

    You Could Be Fined If Caught Eating And Drinking Near Churches And Public Buildings In Florence In 2018 , the city of Florence banned people from pausing in the historic center to eat food standing10 or sitting on sidewalks , roadways , and on the doorsteps of shops and houses .