
  • 网络stimulus error
  1. 看到imf给出的新数字就以为有必要实施财政刺激是错误的,布兰查德本人在接受德国媒体采访时就着重强调了这一点。

    It is a mistake to take the new IMF numbers as a call for fiscal stimulus , as Mr Blanchard himself strongly underlined in an interview with the German press .

  2. 在这方面,卡梅伦很可能是错的,正如他反对布朗的财政刺激方案也是错误的。

    In that , he is probably mistaken , just as he was wrong to oppose Mr Brown 's fiscal stimulus .

  3. 结果:因刺激程序的错误运用,2例受试者(两组各1例)在进一步的数据分析时被剔除。

    RESULTS : Two subjects ( either has one ) had to be excluded from further data analysis due to incorrect application of the stimulation procedure .

  4. 他们也可以刺激我们进入战术错误和战略上的失误。

    They can goad us into tactical errors and strategic blunders .

  5. 这种做法无视奥巴马令人失望的刺激计划该计划错误地把目标放在了创造奥巴马所承诺的就业岗位上。

    It ignores his disappointing stimulus programme , which was ill-designed to produce the jobs the president promised .

  6. 少说多做要好过多说少做;围绕刺激方案产生的错误乐观情绪,可能(而且应该)是一次性的,而不应该是奥巴马政府的惯常做法。

    It is better to under-promise and over-perform than the reverse ; the mistaken optimism surrounding the stimulus package can and should be a one-off , not the administration 's modus operandi .

  7. 记忆中的错误联接是指被试在测验中,对先前学过的刺激的某部分重新组合成的新刺激产生错误再认,包括特征错误和联合错误。

    This paper briefly introduces the factors that influence the feature and conjunction errors and the theories which intend to explain memory conjunction errors .