
  • 网络Hartley;Hartree
  1. 简要分析了三阶离散Chirp哈特利变换。

    The three-order discrete Chirp Hartley transform was discussed briefly .

  2. 进行了三阶离散Chirp哈特利变换的计算机仿真。

    The computer simulation of three-order discrete Chirp Hartley transform was performed .

  3. Chirp哈特利、Chirp余弦、Chirp正弦变换

    Chirp Hartley , Chirp cosine and Chirp sine transforms

  4. 进行了二阶离散Chirp哈特利变换、二阶离散Chirp余弦变换、二阶离散Chirp正弦变换的计算机仿真。

    The computer simulations of two-order discrete Chirp Hartley transform , two-order discrete Chirp cosine transform , and two-order discrete Chirp sine transform were performed .

  5. EvercorePartners公司的总裁兼首席执行官拉夫•施洛斯特因也将携妻子简•哈特利出席这次宴会。简•哈特利是经济和政治咨询公司了望台集团(ObservatoryGroup)的共同创始人。

    Also attending is Evercore Partners ( EVR ) President and CEO Ralph Schlosstein and wife Jane Hartley , co-founder of the Observatory Group , an economic and political advisory firm .

  6. 篡改一下作家哈特利(LPHartley)的名言,如果未来是一个异域国度——他们那里的做事方法不同——那么也许未来一代是我们最好的向导。

    If , to mangle LP Hartley 's quote , the future is a foreign country - they do things differently there , then maybe future generations are our best guide .

  7. 从巨正则配分函数的路径积分表示出发,在哈特利-福克-玻戈留波夫近似下,推导出了分子的BEC和原子的BCS凝聚的序参量的自洽方程。

    The self-consistent equations for the order parameters of BEC of molecules and BCS condensation of atoms have been derived within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation from the path integral representation of the grand partition function .

  8. 你想来根哈特利上校的香烟吗?

    Would you care for one of corporal hartley 's cigarettes ?

  9. 你妈妈那个叫哈特利的贝蒂

    I mean your mom , this guy Hartley , Betty ...

  10. 黛妮丝不是真正的问题哈特利才是

    Denise isn 't the real problem , Hartley is .

  11. 他们使用赫歇尔太空镜来观测哈特利2号,这颗来自柯伊伯带的彗星。

    They used the Herschel space telescope to examine Comet Hartley 2 , which

  12. 我是马特·哈特利H-a-r-t-l-e-y

    yeah , my name is Matt Hartley . H-a-r-t-l-e-y.

  13. 推荐阅读:费斯克和哈特利著作的一章&〈一个警察的命运〉;

    Recommended reading : Fiske and Hartley 's chapter ," A Policeman 's Lot ";

  14. 用相对论密度相关哈特利近似研究有限核的性能

    Relativistic Density-dependent Hartree Approach for Finite Nuclei

  15. 但哈特利完全是绕着克莱尔打转

    Marc : But Hartley 's got his snout all up in Claire 's span .

  16. 我不喜欢哈特利一直拖拖拉拉不肯从候选名单中选一个出来

    I don 't like how Hartley 's dragging his heels on that list of candidates I gave him .

  17. 他们回应者哈特利,让曲子回响在整艘船上方。

    They join in with Hartley , filling out the sound so that it reaches all over the ship .

  18. 哈特利表示:作为开端,东盟各国证交所可以共享后台处理程序。但即便这个目标也有很长的路要走。

    For a first step , Asean exchanges could share back-end processes . But even that is a long way off .

  19. 这样我就能拿回他从米德偷的钱好买下哈特利的股份

    so I could take back the money he stole from Meade in order to use it to buy out Hartley .

  20. 这首诗写于1798年,在英格兰的一个冬夜,柯勒律治坐在他幼小的儿子哈特利身旁。

    In this verse , written in 1798 , Coleridge sits near his infant son , Hartley , on a winter night in England .

  21. 概括费斯克和哈特利论述“游唱电视”的章节,并就这一观点对理解美国电视的潜在价值进行探讨。

    Summarize Fiske and Hartley 's chapter on " Bardic Television " and discuss the possible value of this perspective for understanding American television .

  22. “这种做法源于性别歧视,而社会上普遍认同这一观念”哈特利说。

    " This is likely to be due to gender bias being represented as much more socially and normatively acceptable in society ," Hartley said .

  23. 我们从第一性原理出发,分别利用密度泛函理论和哈特利-福克方法研究了4,4′-二巯基联苯分子和金表面的相互作用。

    By using density functional theory and hartree-fock theory , we have investigated the interaction between a thiol-phenyl molecule ( 4,4 ′ - dimercaptodibenzene ) and a gold surface with ab initio method .