
  1. 主要产品有SJS高速挡车器、SJS智能道闸、SJS智能停车场系统、SJS门禁考勤消费系统、SJS电子巡逻管理系统等。

    The products include SJS intelligent barrier , SJS intelligent parking lot system , SJS access control attendance system , SJS electronic patrol management system , etc.

  2. 基于32位高性能嵌入式处理器的门禁考勤系统

    Doorway System Based on 32 Bit High Performance Embedded CPU

  3. 门禁考勤系统中人脸识别算法的研究

    Research on the Face Recognition Algorithm on Time and Attendance Access Control System

  4. 介绍一种实验室门禁考勤系统的设计方案。

    The paper presents a design of laboratory access control and attendance system .

  5. 以太网测控系统在门禁考勤中的应用

    Ethernet Measure-control System Applying In the Area of Gateway Admission and Duty Checking System

  6. 我公司开发的校园一卡通系统,会员管理系统,门禁考勤系统运行稳定,管理方便!

    I developed the campus card system , member management system , Access Control system is stable , easy management !

  7. 门禁考勤管理系统采用射频卡读写技术,主要应用于企业单位、学校、智能小区、工厂等的安保、考勤等工作。

    Access control and attendance management system using RF card reader technology , mainly used in enterprises , schools , intelligent community , factory security , attendance and other work .

  8. 安防监控系统、门禁考勤系统、计算机网络及电话系统、多功能电子会议厅、多媒体教学系统的开发、批发零售、维修及工程安装。

    All the time , our company is devoting to Multi-functional electronic conference hall , development of the multimedia teaching system , wholesale and retail , maintain and install projects .

  9. 在信息时代,非接触式射频卡技术正越来越广泛地应用于各种行业中,特别是工业自动化、商业金融自动化、交通物流、门禁、考勤以及军事国防等领域。

    In IT times , none-contact radiofication card technologies have been gradually applied on various fields , especially on the fields of automatization , business automatization , traffic flow , door guard and military affair .

  10. 高频系统成本适中,很好地满足识别距离在1.5m以内需求,在生产自动控制、电子票据、图书管理、门禁控制、考勤记录等领域有极大的应用。

    The HF system meet those demand well , whose identification distance is short than 1.5 meter . Beyond that , the modest cost of HF system made it used largely in the field of production automation , electronic notes , library management , access control , attendance record .

  11. 不需要附加设备,调整功能,可以做为:门禁控制、考勤、安全管理。

    Device setup can be adjusted for access control , Time and Attendance management , and Cafe management without additional equipments .

  12. 用户通常得携带食堂卡,门禁卡或考勤卡,因此客户单位非常希望在一张卡片上实现多业务的整合。

    Customers usually have to carry canteen card , access card or attendance card with them , so the customer unit prefers that the multi-business integration can be achieved by one card .

  13. 一卡通管理系统是利用IC卡技术,并结合数据库技术、网络和通信技术实现企业的门禁管理、考勤管理、消费管理等。

    The IC card management system is developed with IC card techniques as well as database , network and communication techniques . The system can realize the entrance guard management , check on work attendance management and consumption management of an enterprise .