
  • 网络Symbol rate;ksps;MSPs;MBaud
  1. 全数字多星座图、可变符号率QAM调制器

    An All-Digitized Multimode and Variable Symbol Rate QAM Modulator FIGURE

  2. 基于改进Morlet小波的信号符号率估计

    Symbol rate estimation based on the modified Morlet wavelet

  3. 基于Laplace变换的空时分组编码误符号率性能分析

    Symbol Error Rate Analysis of Space-Time Block Coding Based on Laplace Transform

  4. HFC基带数字化回传信道误符号率的计算

    The Symble Error Rate over HFC Baseband Digital Reverse Channel

  5. OFDM技术通过串并转换将高比特率变换成低符号率,增大符号间隔,消除码间干扰影响。

    OFDM transforms high bit-rate into low symbol-rate with serial-to-parallel , by which enlarger the symbol interval and to eliminate ISI .

  6. 基于小波变换的MFSK信号符号率估计算法

    A Symbol Rate Estimation Algorithm for MFSK Signal Based on Wavelet Transform

  7. 针对MPSK通信信号的符号率估计问题进行了研究。

    The nonlinear energy operator to the MPSK signals is extended to estimate its symbol rate .

  8. 通过比较均衡后接收信号的误符号率曲线,对几种常用的信道估计算法和提出的改进算法进行了MATLAB仿真分析和性能比较。

    By comparing the symbol error rate ( SER ) curve of receiving signal after equalization , MATLAB simulation is employed to analyze and compare performance of several common and improved channel estimation algorithms .

  9. 中断率和误符号率(SER)是无线通信系统最为常用的两种性能度量。

    Outage probability and error symbol rate ( SER ) are two mostly used performance metrics for wireless communication systems .

  10. 本文介绍了通过改变符号率及调制电平的方法实现的自适应调制器的设计与实现方案,该方案可以采用基于DSP技术的可编程逻辑器件来实现。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation scheme of an adaptive modulator by adjusting the symbol rate and modulation level . This scheme will be realized by a programmable logic device based on DSP technologies .

  11. 对DF系统,分析了最大化系统容量和最小化误符号率的功率分配方案。

    For DF system , the power allocation schemes for the purpose of maximize the system capacity and minimize the symbol error rate have been analyzed .

  12. 新的搜索准则是最小化OSIC检测时的误符号率。

    New search criterion is to minimize the symbol error rate based on OSIC detection .

  13. 现有的使用Haar小波的符号率估计算法中都假设码元是矩形脉冲,没有考虑实际通信系统脉冲成形滤波技术的影响。

    The existing Haar wavelet symbol rate estimation algorithms assume that the symbol is a rectangular pulse , without considering the influence of pulse shaping filter .

  14. 载波恢复采用频率检测(FD)和相位频率检测相结合的结构,跟踪范围超过1倍符号率。

    The carrier recovery algorithm consists of a frequency detector ( FD ) loop and a modified phase-frequency detector ( PFD ) loop . Its tracking range exceeds one time symbol-rate .

  15. 第四章讨论了基于小波变化的MPSK信号符号率估计算法。

    In Chapter 4 , we study the use of wavelet transform to estimate the symbol rate of an M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) signal .

  16. 在建立信号与信道模型及误符号率公式的基础上,仿真研究了信号带宽对RAKE抗衰落接收性能等有关方面的影响。

    After setting up the signal and channel model and the symbol error probability ( SEP ) formula , the relationship between signal bandwidth and the performance of fading resisting RAKE receiver is studied through simulation method .

  17. 针对AF系统,首先分析了最小化误符号率和最大化系统容量的功率分配方案,然后分析了综合考虑误符号率和系统容量的联合分配方案。

    The performance of different power allocation schemes have simulated . For AF system , the allocation schemes based on minimize the symbol error rate and maximize the system capacity have been analyzed , and then a joint allocation scheme has been analyzed .

  18. 推导了空间相关瑞利衰落环境下该系统的误符号率SEP的闭式结果,该结果表明系统的性能主要由MIMO信道协方差矩阵的特征值及其重数决定。

    The closed form solution for symbol error probability ( SEP ) of the system over Rayleigh correlated fading channel is derived , which shows that performance of the system is mainly determined by the eigenvalues and their multiplicities of the MIMO covariance matrix .

  19. 通过分析Nyquist符号率与Shannon容量的关系,并利用大维随机矩阵理论,从理论上证明了基于框架的广义多载波传输系统可以渐近地取得带限AWGN信道的Shannon容量。

    By analyzing the relationship between the Shannon capacity and Nyquist rate and exploiting the large dimensional random matrix theory , it is demonstrated that the digital transmission system based on frames can achieve the Shannon capacity of band-limited AWGN channel asymptotically .

  20. 首先,推导了NMT的误符号率理论公式,从理论和实验两方面分析了NMT在占用带宽意义下的频带利用率性能,证明了其优于传统调制方法。

    First , its symbol error rate formula is derived , and , in the sense of OB , its bandwidth efficiency is investigated theoretically and experimentally . The results prove its superiority to traditional orthogonal methods .

  21. 应用Mie散射理论,数值计算了雨粒子、雾粒子和沙尘粒子对光波传输的衰减,推导了在相应信道条件下FSO-OFDM系统的误符号率公式,并通过仿真实验验证了其正确性。

    Fourthly , the energy attenuation caused by raindrop , fog drop and dust are calculate by applying the Mie theory . The symbol error rate formula of the FSO-OFDM system under these channel conditions is deduced . Then its correctness is verified through simulation .

  22. 基于矩生成函数的协同中继传输误符号率性能分析

    SER Performance Analysis for Cooperative Relay Transmission Using Moment Generating Functions

  23. 符号率及调制参数可控的自适应调制系统研究

    Research on the symbol rate and modulation level controllable adaptive modulation system

  24. 数字信号基于小波变换的码元符号率检测

    Code Element Symbol Rate Detection of Digital Signal Based on Wavelet Transform

  25. 在相对符号率变化缓慢的信道来说,这样做是很合理的。

    Compared to the channels with slow changing rate , this is reasonable .

  26. 基于多频带能量算子的符号率盲估计

    Symbol rate blind estimation using multiband energy operators

  27. 改进的通信调制信号谱相关识别方法一种新的数字调制信号符号率估计和同步算法

    A New Method of Baud Rate Estimation and Symbol Synchronization for Digital Modulated Signals

  28. 通过蒙特卡罗仿真评估了接收机在频率选择信道下的误符号率性能。

    The performance of the symbol error rate in frequency selective channels is investigated by Monte Carlo simulation .

  29. 在多输入多输出通信系统中,为了有效地降低系统的误符号率,提出了一种特征波束形成算法。

    In MIMO communication systems , an eigen-beamforming algorithm which could reduce the symbol error rate effectively was proposed .

  30. 本文研究了通过改变符号率及调制电平的方法实现的自适应调制系统。

    In this paper , an adaptive modulation system controlled by changing the symbol rate and modulation level is proposed .