
  • 网络Coincidence circuit
  1. PET系统的硬件主要包括机架、环形探测器、符合电路、检查床及计算机工作站等。

    The system hardware include gantry 、 detector 、 coincidence circuit 、 patient table and computer workstation .

  2. 高分辨时间快符合电路

    A fast coincidence circuit with high resolution time

  3. 符合电路SPECT心肌灌注/代谢显像诊断冠心病的初步研究

    Preliminary study of using myocardial perfusion / metabolism imaging with MCD SPECT for diagnosis of coronary artery disease

  4. ~(18)F-FDG双探头符合电路SPECT鉴别诊断肺部良恶性病变

    ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG Dual head SPECT coincidence imaging in differentiating cancer and benign pulmoary disease

  5. 目的研究符合电路SPECT心肌灌注/代谢显像诊断冠心病的临床价值。

    Purpose To investigate the clinical value of using myocardial perfusion / metabolism MCD SPECT in diagnosing coronary artery disease ( CAD ) .

  6. 目的评价双探头符合电路SPECT对~(18)F-FDG显像鉴别诊断肺部良恶性病变的临床价值。

    Purpose To evaluate the clinical value of dual head SPECT coincidence imaging in differentiating lung cancer from benign pulmonary disease .

  7. 结论符合电路SPECT心肌灌注/代谢显像,在冠心病的诊断中具有一定的应用价值,且优于静息心肌血流灌注显像和心电图运动平板。

    Conclusions Myocardial perfusion / metabolism MCD SPECT is useful in diagnosing CAD and is superior to test myocardial perfusion imaging or exercise electrocardiogram test .

  8. 所有图像分别做视觉分析及ROI比值分析。仪器为PICKER分司AXIS双探头符合电路SPECT,图像重建采用迭代算法,不作穿透校正。

    The machine is AXIS dual head coincidence SPECT of PICKER company , the acquired date were reconstructed using iterative algorithm and no transmission correction was used .

  9. 方法15例肺癌及9例肺部良性病变患者进行了~(18)F-FDG双探头符合电路显像。

    Methods 15 patinets with lung cancer and 9 patients with benign pulmonary disease underwent 18F - FDG coincidence imaging using dual head SPECT .

  10. 随着正电子核素标记物的广泛应用,对价格低、适应我国国情的符合电路SPECT和高档次PET/CT的发展作了比较。

    With the widely used positron labeled compounds , a comparison was made between the dual-head-coincidence SPECT / CT , low price available in China , and the delicate PET / CT .

  11. 用优秀的Cadence工具软件对提取的电路原理图进行仿真和绘制版图,仿真结果符合电路功能。

    The extracted schematic is simulated and the layout is drawn uses the excellent Cadence tool software . And the simulation results accord with the circuit function .

  12. MV-DYL符合电路实用参数分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design on Practical Parameters of MV-D YL Threshold Identity Circuits

  13. 双探头符合电路成像技术及临床应用

    The imaging technology of double camera consilient circuit and its clinical applications

  14. 液体闪烁计数器符合电路设计

    Design of Coincidence Circuit for Liquid Scintillation Counter

  15. 通用反符合电路

    A anticoincidence circuit for general purpose

  16. 仿真结果表明,与未考虑各种寄生参数的模型相比,这种新的模型更符合电路工作情况,且具有更大的精度。

    The result shows this model is more suited to the converter , and more precise .

  17. 本文应用反符合电路剔除调搏脉冲干扰的方法,制成经食道心房调搏心电心音门电路触发装置,用于经食道心房调搏的核素心血管造影。

    By using an anticoincidence unit to cutoff the interference of pacing pulses , an EKG and phonocardiography ( PCG ) triggered gate circuit for atrial pacing per esophagus was made for RNA .

  18. 本研究中还对放电线圈产生的磁场和感应电场进行了测试,其波形特征符合电路设计的理论波形特征,可以对神经刺激进行有效刺激。

    The waveform of the magnetic field and the induced electric field are recorded in the study , which is coincidence with the theoretic waveform characteristics and effective to stimulate the nerve tissues .

  19. 在电路电子技术理论和实验教学中引入案例分析法,符合电路电子技术这门学科的特点,能帮助学生加深对理论知识的理解和提高实践能力,能有效地培养学生的综合素质。

    The introduction of case analyzes method in electrical and electronic teaching meets the characteristics of the subject , which is helpful for the improvement of students ' theoretical knowledge and practical ability , and for the development of students ' comprehensive qualities .

  20. 从设计结果可以看出,这些策略都是符合GR电路工作机制的,是对GR电路的正确规划。

    From the design results , it can be seen that these strategies are in line with the working mechanism of guaranteed restoration circuit , which is proper planning for guaranteed restoration circuit .

  21. 进行了上述变换器在CCM和DCM状态下仿真模型的推导,采用此模型进行仿真,具有速度快、实现简单且符合实际电路需求的特点。

    The derivation of the CCA model under the CCM and DCM was given in this paper . The simulation by using the model performs quicker 、 easier and combined practical circuit tightly .

  22. 本文叙述了一种新的集成电路计算机辅助设计框架的设计思想:提出了符合集成电路设计需要的新的四维数据模型,并设计了面向对象的工程数据库;

    The design conception of a new framework for integrated circuit computer-aided-de-sign is presented in the paper .

  23. 图像处理电路将输入信号转换成符合驱动电路要求的格式和时序;驱动控制电路是与显示器件结合最为紧密的一部分,对系统稳定性,图像质量,显示效果等都产生直接影响。

    Interface converting circuit makes system compatible to certain signal format . Image-processing circuit provides proper sequence and image signal for driving & controlling circuit , which directly links to display equipment and shows great influence on display effect and system stability .

  24. 仿真结果达到预期目标,符合电荷泵电路的设计理论,是理论和仿真实践相结合的结果。

    Simulation results meet the desired objectives , in line with the Charge Pump Circuit design theory , and the design is the result of a combination of theory and practice .

  25. 三值符合运算及其TTL电路实现

    Ternary COINCIDENCE Operation and Its TTL Circuit Realization

  26. 对设计指标进行了分析,围绕指标设计了符合指标要求的电路,绘制了版图并给出了测试方案。

    After the analysis to the design specification , the circuits and the layout are given .

  27. 学生必须设计符合此规格的电路,并缴交设计报告;

    The objective is to complete a paper design of a circuit that meets the specifications .

  28. 该滤波器加工容易,成本低廉,符合平面结构微波电路和器件的应用需求。

    This filter is easy to manufacture and accord with the practical requirement of planar microwave circuits and devices .

  29. 该送丝电路符合模块化的电路设计思想,能够较好的与数字化主控电路实现同步。

    The feeder circuit meets the demands of modular structure , and it can meet the needs in synchronism with the main control circuit .

  30. 数字化轨道电路的设计符合我国轨道电路的发展要求和趋势,因此数字化轨道电路通信系统有着广阔的市场和发展空间。

    The design of the digital track circuit may meet development requirement and trend of our country track circuit . Therefore , the communication system of the digital track circuit has wide marketplace and development potential .