
  • 【电影】House of Cards
  1. 近期从最新美剧《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)中总结的经验清单已经够空洞的了。

    A recent collection of lessons from the new series of House of Cards was vacuous enough .

  2. 本季度的业绩在某种程度上受益于《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)和《纸牌屋》第二季的成功热播。

    This quarter 's results were in part driven by the second season success of Orange is the New Black and House of Cards .

  3. 另外我想《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)、《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)、《博斯》和《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans)这几部剧和《纸牌屋》基本上可以列在同一阵线。

    I suspect that Orange is the New Black and The Good Wife and Bosch and The Americans are all in the same basket .

  4. 金玉米说,CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司)的剧集《生活大爆炸》(BigBangTheory)与《纸牌屋》具有一定的可比性。

    Goldkorn says CBS 's Big Bang Theory is the show to compare to House of Cards in China .

  5. 《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)、《维京传奇》(Vikings)和其他电视剧会让我分散对工作的注意力。

    House of Cards ( above ) , Vikings and other series keep me from concentrating on work .

  6. 奥斯卡奖得主,剧集《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)联合出品人凯文o史派西去年就这一话题发表了一场震动媒体世界的演讲。

    Academy award winner and House of Cards co-creator Kevin Spacey gave a seminal speech on this topic that rocked the media world last year .

  7. 乐视的优势在于获得其内容,包括Netflix的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)等外国电视连续剧。

    Letv 's advantage is its access to content , including foreign television series such as Netflix 's House of Cards .

  8. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)网站给《纸牌屋》是一部传统的热播剧集这种说法泼了一瓢冷水。

    The Atlantic 's website threw cold water on the idea ofHouse of Cards being a conventional TV hit .

  9. 《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards),Netflix,2月27日播出。Netflix的政治大戏,第三季有13集。

    HOUSE OF CARDS ( Netflix , Feb. 27 ) Netflix 's political grand guignol gets a 13-episode third season .

  10. 早在《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)第二季登陆中国之前,这部美剧就获得了一波好莱坞制片人做梦都不敢想的免费宣传。

    Before House of Cards ' second season arrived for streaming in China , the show got the type of free publicity that Hollywood producers can only dream of .

  11. 克利夫兰对GoldDerby网站表示:《纸牌屋》只有两季,我也觉得差不多了。

    ' House of Cards ' is only going to go a second season and I think thats it , Cleveland told Gold Derby .

  12. Netflix公司还推出了全新模式,同时发布原创电视剧,比如《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)。

    Netflix has also introduced entirely new models , releasing original series like " House of Cards " and " Orange Is the New Black " all at once .

  13. 凯文·斯佩西(KevinSpacey),《纸牌屋》

    Kevin Spacey , " House of Cards "

  14. 《华尔街日报》:你是否知道Netflix订户当中有多少人在看《纸牌屋》?

    WSJ : Do you know how many of Netflix 's subscribers watch ' House of Cards ' ?

  15. 截至今年9月30日的前9个月里,《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)等剧集将公司营收助推至30亿美元,较去年同期增长20%。

    Shows like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black have helped push revenue to $ 3 billion for the nine months ended September 30 , up 20 % from the same period a year earlier .

  16. 据一家专门监测手机应用销量的机构AppFigures统计,这款游戏在热播剧《纸牌屋3》出现仅仅5小时之后,销量就一路飙升。

    Just five hours after its appearance on the hot TV series , the game 's sales began to spike , according to App Figures , an organization that tracks app sales .

  17. Netflix《纸牌屋》第二季将是第一批4K电视连续剧之一。

    Season 2 of Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' is one of the first series available in 4K .

  18. 2013年,Netflix公司凭借剧集《纸牌屋》,成为首家赢得艾美奖(Emmy)的非电视网络机构。

    In 2013 , Netflix became the first non-TV network to win an Emmy for the series House of Cards .

  19. Netflix早期凭借剧集《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和黑色喜剧《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)赢得了海外观众,一些竞争者和分析师认为,要复制这一成功将会很难。

    Some rivals and analysts said that replicating Netflix 's early success with the drama " House of Cards " and the dark comedy " Orange Is the New Black " for international audiences could prove challenging .

  20. 特里姆是一个剧作家,也是《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)的编剧。她与哈盖·列维(HagaiLevi)共同创作了《婚外情》,二人也在HBO剧集《扪心问诊》(InTreatment)中有过合作。

    Treem , a playwright and " House of Cards " writer , created " The Affair " with Hagai Levi , with whom she also worked on HBO 's " In Treatment . "

  21. 不,这不是个肥皂剧,这是BBC制作的一部有关英国政府的电视剧《纸牌屋》。

    No , it 's not a soap opera ; it 's BBC 's dramatic version of British government , " House of Cards . "

  22. 希望第一批观看4K格式《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)等必看剧的观众将会发现4K电视机是一个不错的方案。

    Viewers who want to be among the first to watch must-see shows such as ' House of Cards ' in 4K will find 4K sets an attractive proposition .

  23. “奈飞”自制剧——《纸牌屋》(“HouseofCards”)和《女子监狱》(“OrangeistheNewBlack”)——领跑本年度的提名名单,分别获得剧情类和喜剧类最佳剧集提名。

    The company 's top hits - " House of Cards " and " Orange is the New Black " - were among the top nominees this year , earning key nominations for the best drama and comedy series , respectively .

  24. 这种固有思维的典型代表可能是《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)中不择手段的弗兰克和克莱尔·安德伍德(FrankandClaireUnderwood)——任何事情都不能妨碍他们的政治野心。

    the symbolic couple for this stereotype may be the Machiavellian Frank and Claire Underwood on " House of Cards , " for whom nothing gets in the way of political ambition .

  25. Netflix公司的《纸牌屋》可谓是对政治阴谋爱好者和凯文·史派西的南部口音粉的盛情款待。

    Netflix 's House of Cards is a wonderful treat for fans of political intrigue as well as fans of Kevin Spacey 's syrupy southern accent .

  26. 在Netflix的美剧《纸牌屋》(改编自英国电视同名节目)中,屏幕上的中国形象已经又产生了一个转折。

    With the Netflix series House of Cards ( adapted from the British television show of the same name ), the onscreen China has taken another turn .

  27. Netflix的《纸牌屋》创造了艾美奖的历史,去年成为首个赢得艾美奖主要奖项的网络视频发行商。

    Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' made Emmy history by becoming the first online video distributor to win an award in a major category last year .

  28. 看电视以往就是整天躺在沙发上的电视迷的爱好,绝非可以在鸡尾酒会上大谈特谈的话题,而如今,这一污名已经消失,就《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)发表几句有见解的评论能让人显得庄重。

    Watching the boob tube used to be the couch potato 's hobby , hardly a subject to trot out over cocktails . Now , that stigma has vanished , and a few knowing remarks about ' House of Cards ' can confer gravitas .

  29. 奈飞(Netflix)公司表示它拍摄《纸牌屋》的投资超过每集250万美元,你们的花费有这么多吗?

    So when Netflix ( NFLX ) reveals it 's spending more than $ 2.5 million per episode on House of Cards , you are spending about the same ?

  30. 当我用三星(Samsung)新款65英寸超高清电视在线收看Netflix的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)时,我可以看到剧中饰演副总统的凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)上唇出汗了。

    Yes , I spotted sweat on the upper lip of Kevin Spacey 's fictitious vice president while streaming Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' on a new 65-inch Ultra HD television from Samsung .