
  • Paper Airplane;Paper Plane
  1. 日本:全球最长的纸飞机飞行记录

    Japan : World 's longest paper plane flight

  2. 还有那个纸飞机,总是承载着我的那颗未泯的童心,对它有种割舍不断的情结。

    And that paper plane always with my childlike innocence that I can 't leave such love knot .

  3. 确凿的证据似乎是斯泰尔斯的纸飞机吊坠项链,他们交往期间斯威夫特被拍到戴着它,并且在《脱离困境》和《Style》这两首歌的歌词中都出现过。

    The smoking gun appears to be a paper aeroplane pendant necklace belonging to Styles , that Swift was pictured wearing during their relationship and features in lyrics to songs including Out of the Woods and Style .

  4. 11年来,TakuoToda都在试着打破世界上纸飞机飞行的最长记录。

    For 11 years Takuo Toda had been trying to break the Guinness record for the longest paper airplane flight .

  5. 她四处跺脚、喊叫,博比(Bobby)是她班上的一个男孩,他向她投掷纸飞机,惹怒了她。

    She stomps around and yells , and Bobby , one of the boys in her class , has gotten on her bad side by throwing a paper airplane .

  6. 最有趣的是,你可以造出许多纸飞机,存在背包里,然后BAM!在你的朋友毫无防备时,一股脑全部扔给他!

    The best part about these airplanes is that you can make multiples , leave them in your inventory , and then BAM , you can unleash a swarm of paper on an unsuspecting target !

  7. 副校长:怎麽有这麽多纸飞机。

    Vice Schoolmaster : Why are here so many paper planes ?

  8. 我最喜欢的记录是“最好的纸飞机。”

    My favourite record was " best paper airplane . "

  9. 接着我们站在桥上放了三只纸飞机。

    Then we stood on the bridge and flied three paper planes .

  10. 这些纸飞机在测试风道中丝毫未损。

    The planes survived the wind tunnel test intact .

  11. 在纸飞机的实例中,8次飞行的时间成为原数据矢量。

    In the helicopter example , the eight flight times become the raw data vector .

  12. 纸飞机在巴黎上空27000米处拍摄到的“地球一弧”。

    A photograph capturing the curvature of the globe is taken from Paris at90,000 feet .

  13. 让我们来飞这些纸飞机。

    Let 's fly the airplanes .

  14. 美国西雅图的一家公司的大门顶上有一架巨大的纸飞机。(看,好大个的灰机。。。)

    A company in Seattle WA , USA has a giant paper airplane above their front door .

  15. 一只别人折的纸飞机直直地撞到一个年轻人头部侧面,他只好往边上避了避。

    A young man flinched when someone else 's plane clocked him on the side of his head .

  16. 在培训的最后,陈安道让学生们将表格折成纸飞机。

    At the end of the session , Chan directed the students to fold them into paper airplanes .

  17. 本想让纸飞机带我飞进你心里,不料半路坠机。

    This want to let paper airplane took me flying into your heart , and behold halfway a plane crash .

  18. 然后,作为一个集体,他们一起放飞纸飞机,用他的话来说,这象征着他们职业生涯的起航。

    Then , as a group , they let them fly , a symbol of them launching their careers , as he had put it .

  19. 斜阳落下,在放学回家的路上拾到一只纸飞机,一切由此开始。

    Under the setting sun , the protagonist picks up a paper aeroplane on the way home from school , and the story starts from there .

  20. 这些家长有的将写有答案的纸飞机扔进考场,有的干脆直接把学习资料递给进出教室的人。

    They threw into classrooms answers written on paper planes or simply passed study material on to other people walking in and out of the classrooms .

  21. 铃木真二最近正在筹备一个项目,他决定在从太空向地球投掷纸飞机,看看它能不能安然无恙地返回地面。

    Shinji Suzuki currently heads up a project that wants to launch paper airplanes from space , and see how they survive the trip back to Earth .

  22. 然后,作为一个集体,他们一起放飞纸飞机,用他的话来说,这象征着“他们职业生涯的起航”。

    Then , as a group , they let them fly , a symbol of " them launching their careers , " as he had put it .

  23. 法庭休息期间,其中一名囚犯向同犯扔了一张纸飞机,这是他们对诉讼程序的轻蔑。

    In a sign of a contempt with which they viewed these proceedings , one of the detainees threw a paper plane at his co-accused when the court once again went into recess .

  24. 27岁的俄罗斯百万富翁巴维尔•杜罗夫近日突然从其圣彼得堡的办公室窗口向街上行人撒下用钱折成的“纸飞机”,引起越来越多的路人哄抢,招致非议。

    Twenty-seven-year-old Russian millionaire Pavel Durov has earned himself plenty of new critics today after it was reported the mogul threw " paper planes " made of money from the windows of his St. Petersburg office into a growing crowd of pedestrians below .

  25. 汤姆正画着星条旗徽章,为纸飞机做漂亮的装饰。汤姆正忙着画自画像,他胖乎乎的小手先画了一个头,然后在应当画身体的位置画了腿和胳膊。

    Tom was perfecting a paper airplane , creating his own insignia with stars and dtripes , while Sam worked on a self-portrait , his chubby hands drawing first a head , then legs and arms sticking out where the body should have been .

  26. 我可以拿些纸吗?我想做纸飞机。

    Can I some paper ? I want to a paper .