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  • wastepaper basket
  1. 到处都是衣服:挂在抽屉上、扔在地上、甚至堆在废纸篓里。

    Clothes were everywhere ; hanging out of drawers , strewn across the floor , even spilling from the wastepaper basket .

  2. 她把信搓揉成一团,扔进了废纸篓。

    She crumpled the letter into a ball and threw it into the wastepaper basket .

  3. 我把她的信丢进了废纸篓。

    I consigned her letter to the waste basket .

  4. 她把面包屑扫进废纸篓里。

    She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket .

  5. 我发现一盘被弄坏的盒式磁带丢在废纸篓里。

    I discovered a mutilated cassette stuffed in a wastebasket .

  6. 趁没人看见,她把校帽弄扁塞进了废纸篓。

    While nobody was looking , she squashed her school hat and crammed it into a wastebasket

  7. 房间里有两个废纸篓。

    There are two waste paper baskets in the room .

  8. 我把这空烟盒扔进房间那头的纸篓里。

    Watch me pitch this empty cigarette packet into the basket from across the room .

  9. 只有您尚未在mail预置的“帐户”面板中选择“将被删除的邮件移动到‘废纸篓’邮箱”选项时,“显示被删除邮件”命令才可用。

    The show deleted messages command is available only if you haven 't selected the option " move deleted messages to the trash mailbox " in the accounts pane of mail preferences .

  10. 我把好的增量式的科学你能在NIH或MRC申请中看到的那种扔在废纸篓里。MRC应该资助那种,NIH应该资助那种。

    Good incremental science , the kind of thing you would get in an NIH or MRC application , I throw in the wastebasket & the MRC should be funding that ; the NIH should be funding it .

  11. 秘书把所有的文件都扔进了废纸篓。

    The secretary flung all the papers into the waste basket .

  12. 她在废纸篓中寻找旧信封。

    She was scavenging in the wastepaper basket for old envelopes .

  13. 琼斯先生:它掉进废纸篓里了。

    Mr jones : it had fallen into the waste-paper basket .

  14. 选择所有的结果,并把他们拖到废纸篓。

    Select all the results , and drag them into the Trash .

  15. 把它撕碎,丢到字纸篓里去。

    Tear it up and throw it in the wastebasket .

  16. 我早就把他的情书丢进了废纸篓。

    I consigned his love letters to the wastepaper bin long ago .

  17. 他把信纸揉成一团投入字纸篓里。

    He wadded up the letter and tossed it in the wastebasket .

  18. 她撕碎了信,把它扔在废纸篓里

    She tear up the letter and throw It Into the waste basket

  19. 在废纸篓中的纸着火。

    The papers in the waste paper basket catch fire .

  20. 他的大多数计划(最后)都到纸篓里去了。

    Most of his plans found their way into the wastepaper basket .

  21. 废纸篓越大,你可以用的就越多。

    The larger the wastebasket , the more you will use it .

  22. 然后就扔到废纸篓。

    And then she 's going to throw it in a wastebucket .

  23. 请清空废纸篓,或重新命名此文件夹。

    Please either empty the trash or rename this folder .

  24. 他想也没想就把燃着的火柴扔进了废纸篓里了。

    Unthinking , he threw his lighted match into the waste-paper basket .

  25. 你把废纸篓放到桌子下面去。

    The waste paper basket can go under the table .

  26. 他把信件撕成两半,扔进字纸篓。把废纸扔到纸篓里。

    He ripped the letter across and threw the halves into the basket .

  27. 但他已经被丢进了历史的废纸篓。

    But he has been thrown into the parchment waste-paper basket of history .

  28. 很快废纸篓着火了。

    Soon the waste paper basket was on fire .

  29. 把废纸扔到纸篓里。请把废纸扔进废纸篓里。

    Please throw your waste paper in the basket .

  30. 这些文件毫无用处,只配扔进废纸篓里。

    These documents are useless-they are only wastebasket fodder .