
zhù má
  • ramie;Boehmeria nivea;ramee;China grass;rhea
苎麻 [zhù má]
  • [ramie;ramee] 亚洲东部苎麻属的一种高大的多年生草本植物,有深绿色的相当厚的宽叶子,下面灰白色有绒毛。商业上用它的纤维,在中国、日本、菲律宾以及美国南部广泛栽培植物

  • 大叶苎麻

苎麻[zhù má]
  1. 近年来苎麻产业由于受一些关键技术、设备及产品研发等因素的影响,出现了萎缩低糜现象。

    The development of Boehmeria nivea enterprises has been slowed down recently due to some problems in key technology , equipment and product research issues .

  2. 苎麻为适合南方坡耕地种植,具有生态、经济、社会多种效益的优良植物。

    Boehmeria nivea is a good plant for realizing ecologic , economic , and social benefits in the slope land of south China .

  3. 苎麻干物质积累和K素利用效率研究

    Dry-matter Accumulation and Potassium Utilization Efficiency of Ramie

  4. 本文介绍了等离子体处理苎麻的实验,测试了苎麻织物的纤维在等离子体处理前后的形貌特性和X射线衍射分析;

    The residual gas mass was tested during plasma processing of ramie in this work .

  5. 苎麻纤维回潮率GM(1,2)模型的研究

    GM ( 1,2 ) Model for Moisture Pick-up of Ramie Fiber

  6. 棉花DNA导入苎麻的RAPD验证

    RAPD Assay of Cotton DNA Introduced into Ramie

  7. 苎麻落麻纤维的PVC包覆处理研究

    Treatment study of noil ramie fiber with PVC

  8. 芽孢杆菌(Bacillussp.No.16A)苎麻脱胶研究

    Study of ramie degumming by Bacillus sp . No.16A

  9. 阳离子改性剂SA对苎麻纤维的改性工艺及其性能影响

    Process and properties of ramie fiber treated with cationic modification agent SA

  10. 通过XRD、SEM和FT-IR对制取的化学键键合的二氧化钛/苎麻纤维功能型复合材料进行了表征。

    The titanium dioxide / ramie fiber composites were characterized by XRD and SEM techniques .

  11. 苎麻纤维细度测试的灰色优化GM(1,2)模型与误差分析

    The Grey Optimum Model for the Test of the Fineness of Ramie Fiber and Its Error Analysis

  12. 在对G.对苎麻培养基改进的试验

    Based on the analysis of G. experimental report of improvement of ramie culture media

  13. 分步厌氧-内循环SBR工艺处理苎麻脱胶废水

    The treatment of ramee retting wastewater by using fractional anaerobic + inner loop SBR process

  14. 结论苎麻CCoAOMT基因cDNA与其它植物的相应序列具有同源性。

    【 Conclusion 】 Ramie ( Boehmeria nivea ) caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase cDNA has homology with that of other plants .

  15. Bes型活性染料在苎麻织物上染色工艺探讨

    Studies on Dyeing of Ramie Cloth with BES - Reactive Dyes

  16. 本文对苎麻落麻纤维增强聚丙烯(PP)复合材料注射成型过程中苎麻落麻纤维的分散问题和制品的复合工艺进行了研究;

    In this paper the dispersal of ramie noil fiber and production process of reinforced polypropylene ( PP ) by injection were studied .

  17. 苎麻染色体核型和GiemsaC-带型及PMC减数分裂行为的研究

    Studies on the karyotype , Giemsa C-bands and PMC meiosis of Ramie

  18. 苎麻含N量增加会相应的增加叶片叶绿素含量,但是在三麻进入生殖生长时会随N的施用量增加而下降。

    Ramie chlorophyll content increased with the increase of nitrogen content , but chlorophyll content decreased with the increase of nitrogen application when the third season entered the reproductive growth period .

  19. 本文研究了PVC包覆处理对苎麻落麻纤维的吸水性、纤维表面状态、纤维单丝强度等的影响。

    The effect of cover treatment with PVC on the absorptivity , filament strength and surface state of the noil ramie is studied in the paper .

  20. 实验结果表明,经超临界CO2处理1h左右,苎麻脱胶菌的致死率在99%以上;

    The results demonstrate that the inactivity rate of retting organisms is over 99 % under the condition of supercritical CO_2 after one hour .

  21. 采用酸析气浮+分步厌氧+内循环SBR工艺处理苎麻脱胶废水。

    The treatment of ramee retting wastewater by using acid separation air floated + fractional anaerobic + inner loop SBR process is studied .

  22. 超临界CO2介质有利于加速苎麻酶的脱胶催化反应进程,使苎麻脱胶效果提高60%~100%。

    The enzymatic retting of ramie in the medium of supercritical CO_2 is beneficial to accelerate the catalytic process and the retting efficiency is increased by 60 % ~ 100 % .

  23. 在培养基中仅加2,4D和6BA均能较快地启动苎麻下胚轴、子叶、叶、茎外植体的脱分化。

    MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D or 6-BA alone could effectively induce de-differentiation from cotyledons , hypocotyls , leaves and stem of ramie .

  24. 有机溶剂浸泡萃取苎麻籽油的最佳条件为:粉碎、提取温度80℃、提取时间12h。

    The best optimum technological conditions of organic solvent extraction were as follows : fragmentation , extraction temperature 80 ℃, and extraction time 12 h.

  25. 从SEM图片可以看出,过碳酸钠脱胶后包覆在苎麻纤维周围的胶质基本去除,苎麻纤维的横节和竖纹都能够清晰的看到,但纤维素表面有裂缝,纤维受到了损伤。

    From the SEM pictures , readers can see that the gum coated with ramie fiber was removed after the sodium percarbonate degumming . But the cellulose surface was cracked ; it meant that the fiber was damaged .

  26. 本研究采用RAPD富集法与探针杂交富集法首次分离了31个苎麻微卫星序列,建立了以探针杂交富集法分离苎麻微卫星的方法。

    In the research , 31 microsatellites in ramie were isolated by RAPD and Magnet beads enrichment protocols . Of the two enrichment methods , the second one was proved to be more efficient .

  27. 苎麻脱胶黑液快速絮凝分离处理技术研究以盐酸、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为分离、絮凝试剂,通过二因素实验,利用方差分析对快速絮凝分离进行条件筛选。

    In order to optimize the treatment of ramie wastewater , this paper describes the two-factor experiment , which used the hydrochloric acid , and PAM reagent to actualize the swiftness-flocculation-separation .

  28. 苘麻,为锦葵科苘麻属苘麻AbutilontheophrastiMedic.,又名白麻、青麻、野苎麻等,在全国分布广,其天然资源极为丰富。

    The natural resource of Abutilon theophrasti Medic , is rich , distributed in all of China .

  29. 测定半纤维素酶活力,B6在半纤维素培养基和苎麻培养基中培养一天后的活力分别为105U/ml和90U/ml;

    After B6 was cultivated in hemicellulose or ramie nutrition mediums for one day , the hemicellulose 's activity were 105 U / ml and 90 U / ml respectively .

  30. 本文着重分析比较氧化退浆剂LT-203在苎麻织物练漂工艺中的应用。

    The application of oxidation desizing agent LT-203 in ramie desizing was described .