
  • 网络braid;pigtails;plait
  1. 老爸们接受一对一的梳辫子培训,内容包括马尾辫、麻花辫还有基本的发髻。

    Dad gets one-on-one training in pony tail , braid and bun basics .

  2. 这个演员所写的图片标题如下:那这种事炫耀似乎有些诡异,不过,这个完美的法式麻花辫确实是我编的!

    The actor captioned his photo : ' This is a weird thing to brag about but I did that glorious french braid . '

  3. 那一年,她刚满20岁,仍旧像个“未成年的小姑娘”,尤其是当她笨拙地扎上粗短的麻花辫,她单纯的像个孩子。

    At20 she was " a piece of jailbait ", a mere child , especially with the stumpy plaits into which she sometimes twisted her hair .

  4. 张(上图左),是簋街粗粮人家餐厅的服务员,穿着一套印花套装,一双简单的黑布鞋,梳着麻花辫。

    Zhang ( above left ) , a server at the popular Guijie restaurant Culiang Renjia , wears a floral-printed top-and-pant combination with simple black shoes and pigtailed hair .

  5. 克里斯帕拉特接受《今夜娱乐》的采访,本来目的是为了宣传他的新片《银河护卫队》,不过,他中途打断了采访,为一个女孩编了一条法式麻花辫。

    He was there to promote new movie Guardians Of The Galaxy . But Chris Pratt interrupted his Entertainment Tonight interview midway through to French braid a woman 's hair .

  6. 白衬衫,麻花辫,大大的眼睛,一脸无辜的表情,典型的清纯邻家女孩的形象,不过其实这是好莱坞的性感女神玛丽莲-梦露。

    Dressed-down in a simple white shirt and with her hair plaited in pig tails , Marilyn Monroe looks a far cry from the iconic star synonymous with old Hollywood glamour .

  7. 两年前,当莉斯&一个满头的小麻花辫像瀑布一样垂在前额的年轻黑人妇女,在第一届诗歌节上朗读自己的诗时,她正怀着孩子。

    Two years ago , when she read her texts at the first festival , Liz , a young Black woman with small braids cascading down her forehead , was pregnant .