
má cì ɡǎn
  • tingle
  1. 我腿上有奇怪的麻刺感。

    I get these weird tingling sensations in my legs .

  2. 感觉到麻刺感了吗?这应该是最后一次了。

    Can you feel that tingling sensation ? It may be your last .

  3. 他即无麻刺感,也不麻木。

    He has no tingling , no numess .

  4. 当皮疹发展时皮疹区域通常会有疼痛,瘙痒或麻刺感。

    There is often pain , itching or tingling in the area where the rash develops .

  5. 钙可以调解肌肉收缩,钙不足会引起嘴唇、指尖或趾尖的麻刺感;

    Calcium helps muscles contract and a deficiency may cause tingling in the lips , fingertips or toes ;

  6. 然后他回了家,大约三天以后,麻刺感又出现了,他觉得他中风了。

    So he went home , and about three days later , the tingling returned and he thought he was having a stroke .

  7. 已报告的不良反应包括对血细胞的损害、疲劳、恶心、食欲丧失、麻刺感或手足麻木及皮疹。

    Reported adverse events included damage to blood cells , fatigue , nausea , loss of appetite , tingling or numbness in the hands and feet , and skin rash .

  8. 虽然因糖尿病性神经病会引发许多不同的问题,但常见症状还是麻刺感、疼痛、麻木或手脚酸软。

    Although many different problems can occur as a result of diabetic neuropathy , common symptoms are tingling , pain , numbness , or weakness in the feet and hands .

  9. 罗森伯格称,手机幻听人士会有一种隐约的麻刺感,他们以为是静音状态下手机的来电或短信提醒。

    He said sufferers describe a vague tingling feeling which they think is their mobile phone indicating it has received a text message or call while on " silent . "

  10. 那些从事该技巧的人说能量场从每一位人身上发出,可以通过麻刺感或冷热的感觉在皮肤上感觉到。

    Those who practice the technique say an energy field emanates from every person and is detectable above the skin through a tingling sensation or a feeling of hot or cold .

  11. 过敏的症状与体征经常在数分钟内产生,常见的症状有口腔麻刺感,荨麻疹,脸、口唇、舌头以及咽喉肿胀,出现哮鸣音或呼吸困难,头晕、腹痛、腹泻、恶心或呕吐。

    Signs and symptoms usually develop within minutes and may include tingling in the mouth , hives , swelling of the lips , face , tongue and throat , wheezing or breathing difficulties , dizziness , abdominal pain , diarrhea , nausea or vomiting .