
  • 网络fans;Die-hard fan;hardcore fan
  1. 我一直是你的铁杆粉丝之一,到现在快3年了。

    I 've been one of your number one fans for nigh on three years now

  2. 一些铁杆粉丝也推断她已经申请注册FentySkin商标,这表明她即将推出护肤系列。

    Hardcore fans had also deduced she had applied to register Fenty Skin , suggesting the entertainment mogul has a skincare line in her sights .

  3. 他是京剧的铁杆粉丝。

    He is a big fan of Beijing opera .

  4. 十六岁的布鲁克林在图片分享平台Instagram上已有440万的铁杆粉丝,最近又成为时尚杂志《MissVogue》的封面人物。

    Sixteen-year-old Brooklyn has a 4.4 million-strong following on Instagram and has recently appeared on the cover of Miss Vogue .

  5. 铁杆粉丝:stalker(跟踪者)和fan(粉丝)的合成词,指的是极度迷恋某位明星的人。

    STAN : A blend of ' stalker ' and ' fan ' , i.e. someone that is overly obsessed with celebrity

  6. 到了周二,所有的铁杆粉丝们好像都在twitter上讨论,蜘蛛侠是否会回到漫威电影世界,加入到他的漫画同胞们当中去。

    By Tuesday , or so it seemed , all of geekdom was atwitter over the possibility of Spider-Man joining his comic book brethren in Marvel 's cinematic universe .

  7. 我是安缦(Aman)的铁杆粉丝,因此我觉得亚洲最好的酒店是普吉岛的阿曼布里酒店。

    I am an ' Aman-junkie , ' so I would have to say the Amanpuri hotel in Phuket .

  8. 克莱森很快被推特网友称为“stan”(铁杆粉丝),很多人都称赞了这位35岁的追星族大胆地追寻她的偶像,并不觉得羞愧。

    Clarkson was quickly branded a ' stan ' on Twitter , and many applauded the starstruck 35-year-old for tracking down her idol without shame .

  9. 杰克逊补充道,铁杆粉丝应该已经购买了xbox360,“通过降价,微软可以吸引更多无所谓的消费者”。

    Mr Jackson added that hardcore fans would already have bought the Xbox 360 and that " Microsoft can appeal more to casual consumers by cutting the price " .

  10. 她在Instagram上有将近10万名粉丝,虽然该网站在中国遭到屏蔽。她指出,在微信和微博等中国社交媒体上,她有更多铁杆粉丝。

    She has nearly 100000 followers on Instagram , even though it is banned in China , she pointed out , plus an even more devoted following on Chinese channels like WeChat and Weibo .

  11. 我女儿和她的朋友们已经成了阿丽莎鬠丽之类明星的铁杆粉丝,因为她们在网上看过这些明星的YouTube视频(显然,GNI组合有约1300万粉丝)。

    My daughter and her friends have become passionate fans of stars like Alisha Marie because they have seen their YouTube videos on the internet ( apparently , the GNI crowd have some 13 million followers ) .

  12. 风险投资人克里斯·萨卡(ChrisSacca)是Twitter最早也较大的投资者之一,而且还是该服务的超级铁杆粉丝。上周,他在博客上发表了一篇非常详细的文章,对于Twitter如何直播实时事件,列出了一些简单直接的方式。

    Last week , in an extremely detailed post on his blog , the venture capitalist Chris Sacca , one of the earliest and larger investors in Twitter and an inveterate fan of the service , outlined the most straightforward recipe for Twitter to own live events .

  13. 哈利波特的铁杆粉丝应该知道,我非常喜欢这个人物,甚至让他的孙子罗尔夫(Rolf)这也是我在哈利•波特系列中喜欢的角色之一娶了卢娜•洛夫古德(LunaLovegood)。

    As hard-core Harry Potter fans will know , I liked him so much that I even married his grandson , Rolf , to one of my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series , Luna Lovegood .

  14. 很多男人都有一支最喜欢的球队,是他们的铁杆粉丝。

    Many men have that one favorite sporting team they continuously follow .

  15. 这个真相可能会严重伤害《哈利·波特》的铁杆粉丝们!

    This fact may seriously hurt true fans of Potteriana !

  16. 埃利奥特说:他有很多铁杆粉丝。

    " He has very determined fans ," Elliott said .

  17. 你有没有朋友或家人是铁杆粉丝的?

    Do you have any friends or family that are big fans ?

  18. 答:我是他的铁杆粉丝。

    A. I 'm a great fan of his .

  19. 无心君,你必须向你的“铁杆粉丝”负责哟!

    You must be responsible to your hardcore fans !

  20. 重要的是我是格伦-霍德尔的铁杆粉丝。

    Main thing was that I was a big fan of Glenn Hoddle .

  21. 我是罗伯特的铁杆粉丝。

    I am dyed in the wool Ruin fan .

  22. 即便如此,他们的歌迷比不过苹果铁杆粉丝。

    However , none of their fans were as devoted as the Apple Scruffs .

  23. 尽管如此,我们还是相信星际争霸的铁杆粉丝们肯定已经熟知了许多单位并能毫不费力地认出它们。

    However , StarCraft fans will recognize many units they already know very well .

  24. 对于一些娱乐节目的铁杆粉丝而言,听上去这是个恼人的新规定。

    For some die-hard fans of the entertainment shows , the new rules sound annoying .

  25. 现在,我要作为罗斯和瑞秋的铁杆粉丝来说道说道。

    Now , I am speaking to you as a diehard Ross and Rachel fan .

  26. 我会想到他们的冠军和司机德克,他们应该会有一批铁杆粉丝。

    I would 've thought with their championship and Dirk , they would have a strong following .

  27. 天哪你喊了我的名字你好Rida你好你是我的铁杆粉丝么

    Oh My God you said my name OMG , Hi rida.Hi.Rida you are a big fan of mine

  28. 这是一个有风险的决定,招致许多杰克逊铁杆粉丝的反对。

    It was a risky decision that has caused a severe backlash amongst many of Jackson 's core fans .

  29. 另一些人则认为,施瓦辛格有一帮铁杆粉丝可以依靠:男性观众和海外观众。

    What Mr. Schwarzenegger can rely on , others say , are his core fans : men and overseas audiences .

  30. 铁杆粉丝经常一次买好几本她的书,尝试用不同的颜色组合。

    Hard-core fans often buy several copies of her books at a time , to experiment with different color combinations .