
  • 网络Jatropha;jatropha curcas;Jatropha curcas L
  1. 采用等体积浸渍法制备固体碱催化剂催化麻风树油酯交换反应制备生物柴油。

    The solid base catalyst used to catalyze the transesterification reaction of Jatropha curcas oil for preparation of biodiesel was prepared by volumetric immersion method .

  2. 聚氨酯功能泡塑分离麻风树种子毒蛋白的研究

    Study on Curcin Purification from the Seeds of Jatropha Curcas by Functional Polyurethane Foam

  3. 最初的试点项目将在Touba种植4000公顷的麻风树,可以减少塞内加尔10%的石油进口。

    In an initial pilot project to reduce Senegal 's oil imports by10 per cent , jatropha plants will be grown on4,000 hectares of land in Touba .

  4. 作为走向该目标的第一步,EBID将与加纳的商业银行和金融机构一起,为该国的麻风树生物柴油项目提供3500万美元的资助。

    As a first step in this direction , EBID will provide US $ 35 million for a jatropha biodiesel project in Ghana , in conjunction with the country 's commercial banks and financial institutions .

  5. 在马里,妇女们用麻风树种子制作肥皂来出售。

    In Mali , women 's groups make and sell soap produced with jatropha seeds .

  6. 麻风树素浸杀钉螺卵效果观察

    Killing effect of extract of Jatropha curcas seed against snail egg in laboratory immersion test

  7. 在马里,女人们一组组地制售用麻风树种子做的肥皂。

    In Mali , women 's groups make unsell and sell soap produced with chetrofur jatropha seeds .

  8. 人们希望麻风树生产生物燃料真的可以提供一个新的,可持续的能源。

    It 's widely hoped that Jatropha biodiesel production will offer a new , more sustainable energy source .

  9. 麻风树的油价格低廉且容易种植,这让麻风树成为了生物燃料生产的一种有吸引力的作物。

    Jatropha oil 's low cost and ease of cultivation make it an attractive crop for biofuel production .

  10. 莫桑比克南部的滨海度假村遍布着新种植的麻风树。

    Just inland from the southern Mozambique beach resort of Bilene lies the newly established Deulco Jatropha plantation .

  11. 接近17.8万英亩的土地将准备生产种植麻风树,它们产地油籽将被用来生产生物燃油制品。

    Nearly 178000 acres have been prepared for Jatropha , a hardy plant that produces oilseeds used for biodiesel production .

  12. 迄今为止,我们的研究把重点放在了利用细胞培养生产可可、巴巴多斯麻风树坚果的油以及橙汁。

    So far , our work has focused on using cell culture to produce cocoa , the oil of the Barbados nut Jatropha curcas , and orange juice .

  13. 改进了麻风树种子毒蛋白粗毒液的制备方法,并通过正交试验确定了粗毒液制备过程中磷酸盐缓冲溶液的最佳条件。

    The paper improved the extracting method of crude curcin liquid in Jatropha seeds , and by orthogonal experiment design , the best condition of the PBS was obtained .

  14. 此种生物燃料来自麻风树,是一种不可食用的植物,由中石油在中国西南部的一个种植园中种植,并由霍尼韦尔公司进行加工提炼。

    The biofuel was derived from jatropha , an inedible plant grown by PetroChina , a state-owned oil company , on a plantation in southwest China and refined by Honeywell .

  15. 印度和其他几个国家相继报道过几个孩子和大人因食用麻风树的果实而住院的病例——都是急性麻风中毒的病症。

    India and several other countries have reported several cases where both children and adults have been hospitalized after ingesting the jatropha fruit and experiencing symptoms of acute jartopha poisoning .

  16. 结果显示:在相同的条件下,柴油的喷雾体积等喷雾几何参数比棕榈油生物柴油和麻风树生物柴油的要大。

    Results show that diesel spray geometric parameters such as spray volume are larger than that of jatropha fuel and palm fuel at the same spray injection pressure and ambient gas density .

  17. 经过两个月的育苗之后,麻风树幼苗就会被种植在这片土地上,大概两年的时间树苗就会成年。

    After two months in the nursery , the young Jatropha are planted in the prepared ground . From there it will take about two years for the plants to reach full maturity .

  18. 尼泊尔还深受电力和汽油短缺之苦,因此该国政府将把预算的一大块投入开发清洁能源,包括利用麻风树开发生物燃料。

    Nepal often experiences electricity and gasoline shortages , so the government will also devote a large part of the money to developing clean energy , including the use of a jatropha as a biofuel .

  19. 由于麻风树可以在不适合粮食作物的非常贫瘠的土地上生长,所以在莫桑比克不会有粮食作物用地和麻风树用地之间的冲突。

    As Jatropha can be grown on marginal land which is not suitable for other crops , here in Mozambique there seems to be less conflict between land needed for food and land suitable for Jatropha .

  20. 麻风树果造成的痛苦很有名,所以被称作“腹泻果”和“呕吐果”。

    The extreme pain the jatropha fruit can cause is so famous that the fruit has earned the names " purge nut " and " black vomit nut . " Upon ingestion , people can experience a burning in the throat , as well as acute abdominal pain .

  21. 麻风菌接种树鼩的研究

    Study on Inoculation of M.Leprae to the Tree Shrew