
  • 网络pretty woman;Mrs. Winterbourne
  1. 你是指有史以来电影我最喜欢哪一部吗?我想我会说是“麻雀变凤凰”。

    You mean my favorite movie of all time ? I guess I 'd have to say " pretty woman " .

  2. 《看电影学英语》将带你一览这些电影,看看这些千金们是怎么像中国谚语所说的那样“麻雀变凤凰”的。

    Screen Talk gonna take you through these movies and see how these people turn from Phoenixes to Sparrows as the Chinese like to say .

  3. 财务性重组阶段,往往会产生麻雀变凤凰的效果,并由此带来的股价巨大涨幅吸引着大量投资者,形成市场热衷于题材股的炒作。

    In the phrase of financial reorganization , it will usually bring the effect that sparrow grows to phoenix and the tremendous increase of share price that attracts huge of investors and make the market being keen of hype on theme stock .