
  • 网络ning;Ning Chang;Chun-Ning Chang;janine chang
  1. 张钧甯在片中饰演来自孤儿院的孤儿。

    Ning Chang acted as a orphan from orphanage .

  2. 日前在厦门杀青的偶像剧《幸福最晴天》举办杀青宴,刚回台北的贺军翔、张钧甯等主要演员一起出席,举杯畅饮。

    The Idol drama " Sunny Happiness " which wrapped up in Xia Men held its wrap-up party the day before , Mike Ho , Ning Chang and others who just returned to Taipei attended together , toasting happily .

  3. 张钧甯与贺军翔在剧中除了床戏外,还有不少吻戏,问两人是否有吻出来电的感觉?

    Other than having bed scenes , Mike He and Ning Chang had quite a number of kissing scenes , asking if they had the electrified feeling ?